Chapter 3 - Living Things.

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Like everything living, Adam feared the dark. Whether consciously or not, humanity and the darkness of the cosmos do not cohabit. There is a reason for this - light is for the living and darkness is for the dead.

Adam woke enveloped by the dark and naturally he fought against it. He battled the dark with every last fiber of his being in a desperate attempt to thwart fate. He kicked and punched as the darkness deepened and absorbed everything around him. Sweat drenched, and without hope, he still clung on to the little light that refused to dwindle within him.

The paramedics on scene stated later to one another that Adam by rights should have died. Even with the relentless use of CPR, he should have been dead on arrival.

Adam was not dead but his vitals were not strong either - he was not dead but he was dying. Adam wrestled with the darkness and found himself weakening. The darkness, if it had a corporeal form, would have been sweat-drenched from their tussle. As they wheeled Adam into the E.R his heart stopped. This should have marked the end of the feud between him and shadow, however, Adam clung on to the dwindling light within himself with reckless abandon.


Whilst his spiritual form fought to resist the sleeping darkness of death, his flesh spasmed as the electricity from the defibrillator manipulated his dead heart.


This had been the seventh electrical surge with no avail, in truth, the doctor overseeing the attempt at resuscitation doubted any further attempts. He was about to call the time of death, but, inexplicably a voice deep inside himself told him to try one last time. The voice was not known to him but he trusted it as if they were lifelong friends. It was the voice of life itself, rebellion. That nagging impulse to persist no matter the odds.

"Again!" he said, wiping sweat from his brow.

The nurse raised her eyebrows in questioning but shrugged, and charged up the paddles. Who was she to argue?

"Clear," the doctor yelled and delivered the final shock to Adam.

The minuscule light that protected Adam was neither a concern or worry for the darkness, it knew that Adam was on borrowed time, that sooner rather than later, the light would fade altogether. It knew this, and so to did Adam, And thus the darkness retreated with fear when the smallish light suddenly blazed into a heavenly luminescence. The darkness berated and unnerved by the change screamed with a rage before fading back into the shadows.

Adam woke with a gasp and fought against an unknown attacker.

His fist connected with the doctor's nose before he collapsed back into the realm of unconsciousness. The doctor held his hand over his nose and cursed as blood streamed onto the floor in a jettison. The nurse unable to mask her amazement grinned like a Cheshire Cat.


The doctor stormed from the room as the blood flowed more forceful with every second. The nurse still grinning approached Adam as he slept and spoke.

"You are my new favorite patient." She said as she flipped open his wallet and smiled.

"Adam. Nice strong Christian name."

She closed the wallet and placed it on the table.

"You have an angel looking out for you Adam," she said and left the room smiling as her brain replayed the doctor's nose breaking.

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now