Fini - Dead Memories In My Heart (Edited)

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Song - Dead Memories by Slipknot

"To see a world in a grain of sand and heaven in a wild flower Hold infinity in the palms of your hand and eternity in an hour." William Blake

Adam walked amongst the hallowed grounds and felt the weight of the ring grow heavier and heavier as he approached Rose's final resting place... He was weary, perhaps too weary to confess his love... yet he knelt amongst the soft soil of the grave and spoke in whispered tones...

"Rose, this is the ring I promised you..." He held it out to the grave and gently lowered it onto the soil itself... He continued to speak as tears ran from his face...

"I want you to know something... The night you died I was intending to propose... I had bought the ring a month beforehand... Now that I'm sat here and speaking I know how foolish it all sounds... but the truth is that I was ashamed... I was a fool... If I would have just been a man then we never would have fought... you wouldn't have died..."

Adam paused and gathered his strength...

"So I leave you this now as both an offering and a promise... If we manage to find each other in the next life then I want you to marry me..."

He paused...

"I want you to know that I did love you... I always loved you... Rest now my sweet..."

Adam stared down at the wedding ring and sighed... he just hoped that this would work... that Rose would find peace... He hoped this not out of selfishness but out of fear for what she would surely become if she continued to serve the darkness...

He stood and gazed at her grave for one last time before he turned to walk away...

He stepped once and stopped as he felt a multitude of eyes watching him... He followed the sensation and scanned the graveyard with his eyes then he saw them. A murder of crows... They watched from above, their eyes a legion of amber... They flapped their wings in unison and the graveyard was filled with a chorus of inhuman laughter...

One by one they took flight, one by one they circled him... they dove at him and each time missed his eyes by a mere inch... Each time he ducked in terror... unbeknownst to Adam, they were merely a distraction. Rose needed time, precious time to unearth herself... Adam watched them with horror, he did not see the hand break through the surface of the soil... he did not see the putrid fingers reach for the ring... nor did he see the hand swiftly retract from it for it sizzled and smoked upon contact with it...

The hand slowly became an arm, the arm became a shoulder and slowly Rose pulled herself from her grave, she smiled at Adam and her eyes flickered the amber light of vengeance...

The ring sunk through the loose top soil and was returned to the earth from whence it came...

Adam had his back to her, he was too preoccupied with the murder of crows, Adam watched with confusion as one by one the birds took flight and scattered upon the wind... He stared up at the empty and silent sky in confusion...

Rose stepped forward and smiled, she was close to her love, a mere stone throw away from attaining everything she desired...

"Adam..." She moaned.

The sound sent his back into spasm... he turned around slowly and screamed with terror... He was rooted to the ground from fear as she slowly approached, with every step the grass wilted beneath her foul feet. The amber eyes brightened as they fixated on him and she smiled. He could see the insects writhing beneath the dead flesh, cockroaches scurried free from her mouth and Adam retched.

He took several steps back from her and she laughed. The sound of her laughter sent shivers running up his spine.

She held out her hand to him in a loving gesture and Adam retched as he noticed her skin was infested with larvae.

"Nothing can keep us apart, not even Death..." She moved closer to him.

"I love you Adam with all my being..." She smiled with cracked lips.

The fear was all consuming as was the smell and the sight, yet worse than any of his senses was the affront to his memory.

Whilst confronted by this Devil he remembered all to vividly the woman he once loved and mourned her memory. This was not Rose, his Rose had ceased to exist the moment she crashed through the window screen, his Rose was gone in the precious few moments that it took for her neck to snap. His Rose was dead, a thing of the past. Forever lost, all that remained was misery, suffering and this foul abomination...

Adam found his courage through the aid of Fury and spoke with a cold clarity. One not attained through fear but from bravery...

"I loved you with all my heart... I loved the woman you once were... not this... not this bringer of death... this defiler of the flesh... I can't stand to be near you... Your very existence makes me sick to my stomach..."

Adam stared at Rose and waited for a rebuttal. She paused and her amber eyes settled on him, measured him for truth, she stood shocked at first but then her face morphed into a mask of rage.

"You won't give me your heart freely?..." She asked.

"My heart only holds dead memories..." Adam didn't hesitate...

Rose screamed with rage and in the blink of an eye, she had closed the distance between them both. Adam gasped and looked down at his chest with confusion.

Rose had thrust her hand forward with great speed and force, she had punched through his flesh, shattered bone and wrapped her monstrous dead hand around his heart. She applied pressure slowly and Adam screamed as his heart was crushed.

Rose pulled him closer to her and kissed him, He screamed as the taste of death filled his mouth, as the cockroaches scurried, into his mouth.

"I loved you, Adam..." She whispered into his ear and with a sharp movement pulled his heart from his chest.

Adam fell backward, eyes open with terror and in his last moments he had the horrible misfortune to witness her final act of love... she ate his heart.

Rose stared at his blood in her hands, tasted him on her lips and saw his remains, she saw the terror on his face, watched his eyes dilate with death and sighed...

She turned her back on him and began to weep. The object of her obsession was now gone, murdered by her own hands... she had done everything in her power to escape death only to become the harbinger of death herself...

Rose gazed up at the bright light of the moon and channeled all of her strength, her rage, enmity and screamed... She screamed with such force that her jawbone shattered, she screamed for minutes on end. A horrid wail, one that was heard by all. 

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now