Chapter 4 - Specter of Yesterday.

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She approached from the darkest corner of the room, eyes dead and accusatory, she called out to him, yet he slept undisturbed.

"I'm here." She pleaded, desperate to be acknowledged, to be given a reality, a shape, and form - instead of this perpetual nonexistence. She wanted the wheel to turn with her, not against her.

With every second, she could feel herself fading from this world, she knew sooner or later she would cease to be. And this fueled her rage all the more.

"Adam!" She yelled in his ear and waited. Nothing. He slept on, undisturbed.

Reaching out to him and focusing all of her strength, she watched amazed and exhausted as the goosebumps formed in his flesh, and he moaned.

"Adam!" She reached out to him. Her joy was short-lived as she realized that despite the moan, he still slept.

She was exhausted, barely able to hold her sense of self together, but she smiled. There was hope at least. She just needed to become stronger.

Digging deep within herself, she mustered all her strength and screamed in his ear.

"I'm still here!"

"Rose?" Adam mumbled in his sleep.

She laughed as she collapsed to the floor exhausted, translucent tears spilled from her eyes and rose into the air to disappear.

"Can you hear me?" She called from the floor and waited for Adam to respond, he responded with silence, and Rose wept.


Rose turned her head to the source of the voice and stared in confusion.

A child stood in the doorway, the cobalt blue of his eyes bore into her soul. Rose knew she was dead, but some habits are automatic and hard to break. She bit her lip and sighed.

"We need to talk." said the boy with a crooked smile.

"About what exactly?"

Rose crossed her arms defensive and stood in front of Adam in an attempt to shield him from the sinister aura of the boy.

The boy's smile widened as he focused his glare beyond Rose and to Adam.

"The future."

Rose cackled with hysterical laughter and slammed her fist on Adam's bedside table, she expected her hand to pass through like usual, but the table resisted and shook with a bang as her fist slammed into it.

Rose stared at the table and her hand with awe and failed to notice that the boy had moved closer.

"What do you know about vengeful spirits?" the boy asked with a tone of malice in his voice.

Rose turned back to stare at Adam and sighed.

"Go ahead and tell me my future."

The boy raised his eyebrows, and that smile returned on his face.

"I already have."

Rose felt her anger explode to the surface and without thinking she leaped across the room and pounced on the boy with murder in her eyes.

The boy feigned a yawn and vanished before she could lay her hands upon him.

"Let yourself fade away, for everyone's sake." the boy's voice taunted from the distant corridor.

"No." She hissed and her gaze moved from the corridor and back to Adam. She watched him for the untold hours that followed.

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now