Chapter 26 - Betwixt Two Evils (Edited)

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"Everybody wants to go to Heaven, but nobody wants to die..." Peter Tosh

The boy led Clara through the woods, towards the location where she defeated her sister and banished a dark cancer that had festered and destroyed her family.

Clara stared at the druid stones, she expected to feel immense power radiate from them, instead, the only sensation she felt was the cold chill of the autumnal breeze.

The boy watched and smiled as Clara's frown became prominent.

"Whatever is the matter, dear Clara?" He smirked as he turned and sat mockingly on the druid rocks.

"This place felt powerful to me as a child..." She paused.

The boy nodded and sprung to his feet.

"Yet this hallowed area only feels mundane to you now, doesn't it?"

The boy continued.

"The power you once felt is merely sleeping and waiting for evil to cross its path, after all, what use is a trap unless it remains hidden."

Clara crossed her arms and nodded reluctantly. Her age rejected the very notion of someone trying to teach her anything. However, the boy was correct.

"So, I'm guessing this is the part where you show me what has altered and changed."

The boy smiled, Clara shuddered. Every time he smiled she was certain his iris changed color to a subtle darker shade.

"Indeed. However, this change is less obvious and will require patience."

The two stood in silence, waited and nothing happened. Clara waited for over an hour before she finally gave in and cursed.


The boy sneered and pointed at the approaching figure.

Clara held her hands up to her eyes to ward away the suns blinding rays, as the figure approached Clara took several steps backward, the boy had resumed his seat on the rocks and looked very pleased with the whole affair.

A lumbering child approached, disheveled. Her long hair covered her face, but Clara instantly recognized her younger self. She walked without purpose or attitude. Head down, she walked, but not as any human had walked before her.

Clara screamed and ran towards her, upon hearing crunching leaves the girl stopped walking and slowly tilted her head upright.

Clara skidded to a stop as she was met with nothing but cold and dead eyes.

The boy snapped his fingers and her younger self, resumed walking. She paid no heed to Clara at all. Clara was frozen still with shock, even more so when the dead girl walked through her as if she was nothing but air.

"In this distorted realm, your father returned from the grave... unlike your sister, he loved your mother the most and so it was she who died screaming in the woods. You and your sister barricaded yourselves in your cabin but your father returned the next night... This is the result."

Clara was speechless.

The boy continued with glee.

"The evil was not banished by the light and the neighboring town slowly fell to the darkness also."

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now