Chapter 11 - Cure For The Itch (Edited)

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"Smooth the descent, and easy is the way: but to return, and view the cheerful skies, In this task and mighty labor lies." Virgil.

Lilly felt conflicted. Ever since Rose's death, she had felt a deep labyrinth of emotions and it was driving her crazy. She knew she should have been grieving, she should have been teary and consumed by the dark clouds of guilt. But she wasn't. She was far from emotionally torn, she was happy.

If she stopped pretending, then she wouldn't be grieving at all. And it was this train of thought that haunted her to her core.

Rose was her sister, she should care but ever since Rose's death, something had awakened inside of her. Now all she could think about was Adam. She didn't want to, she wanted to be the grieving sister but love makes fools of us all.

Lilly knocked on Adam's door; her heart pounded her ribcage like a jack-hammer.

It felt like an eternity before Adam answered. The door creaked open and a wild-eyed Adam poked his head through the gap.

"Lilly?" He opened the door and stared at her confused.

Lilly smiled a weak smile, her eyes held a wild quality to them as if she hadn't slept for days.

"Can I come in?" She asked her voice sounded distant.

Adam shut the door and followed Lilly to the living room where she sat down and sighed with her eyes closed.

"What's happened?" Adam asked sitting beside her and taking her hand in his own.

Lilly stifled a gasp and recoiled from his touch as if it burned her.

"I need to talk to someone, someone who won't judge me for telling the truth." Lilly's eyes opened, and she stared at him, silently begging him.

Adam nodded, it seemed the right thing to do, this was Lilly, and she had been there for him in the past. She had sat and listened and this was his turn to do the same.

Adam was prepared for anything but this.

"I came here tonight to have sex with you." Lilly stared at Adam. Her eyes weren't asking for forgiveness or for permission, they were stating a fact.


Lilly climbed out of the bed slowly, like a Ninja; she didn't want to wake Adam. Somehow she knew this was the first restful sleep Adam had had in days and who was she to deny him that.

She needed the toilet, but more importantly; she needed to have a long hard look in the mirror. She needed to see if she recognized the woman staring back at her. How could she have done this? Adam was a Male and also grieving both of these things exonerated him but she... She wasn't disturbed in the slightest by the events that had unfolded in this bed.

She climbed out of the bed and made her way to the bathroom. She made it to the bathroom door before Adam mumbled in his sleep.

Her knuckles tensed with jealousy and she hated herself even more.

"Rose..." mumbled Adam before resuming in his snoring.

Lilly sighed and closed the bathroom door behind her.

She splashed cold water on her face as she clutched the sink with an iron grip. Her eyes were fixed on the mirror and her reflection. She didn't know why this had happened but she did know one thing, this was going to the last time Adam saw her for a long time.

She had to get away, if not for her, then for Adam. What she had done would not only destroy any family kinship but also tarnish Rose's memory itself. People would wonder if they were having an affair before Rose's death.

So she decided to run, run away as far as possible and maybe one day this would all feel like a bad dream.

She bent down to splash her face one last time before she planned to retrieve her clothing and leave. She looked into the mirror and would have screamed but the pair of hands protruding from it negated that. They wrapped around her throat; closing her windpipe.

Lilly cried in horror as Rose stared at her through the mirror. She was Rose except on some level she wasn't. It was the eyes. The irises were Gold and pulsed with a sinister glow. Rose sneered at Lilly with murderous intent; she could feel the nails dig deeper into her flesh. Lilly gasped for breath, her eyes wide and fearful. Rose laughed as the world turned black.

The laughter echoed throughout her brain as she woke up screaming. Sweat drenched the silk sheets, at least she hoped it was sweat. Gasping for breath she sat upright and began to weep, her body trembled from the memory of the assault. She could feel those fingernails digging deeper and deeper into her skin.

Adam was nowhere to be seen. She wasn't in his bedroom but her own. It was then that she realized that none of it had actually happened; it was all one fucking messed up nightmare.

She climbed out of the bed and ran to the bathroom to be sick; it was the memory of the sneer on Rose's face that made her vomit.

She hurled for minutes, gargled mouth wash for what felt like an hour and climbed back in bed.

Or at least she wanted to until she drew back the quilt and saw the blood.

She inspected herself. Thinking she had come on her period but no, she hadn't the blood had come from somewhere else.

She drew her nightgown over her head and felt the wet sensation on her back. She retrieved a hand mirror and gasped as she looked at her back.

Her back was scratched and oozed blood. Yet the most disturbing thing wasn't the blood or scratches themselves. It was the way it spelled out a clear message.

Lilly screamed tears cascaded down her face as she looked at the word scratched onto her back.

The word, Jezebel.

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