Chapter 23 - Fractured (Edited)

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"A mirror knows no friends, only enemies..." Andrew John Wood

Adam stared into the bathroom mirror, his eyes bitter pits of despair, devoid of that special quality, that shine that the living takes for granted and the dead envy...

The past three days had been the culmination of one horrid moment to the next.


They had to deal with the fall out from Frank's suicide, the paramedics took one glance at Lily and administered her a very strong sedative, Alprazolam or Xanax to be more specific... Paramedics and Police both had to remove her grasp from Frank's cold corpse, Adam watched disgusted but helpless to intervene while they dragged her away from her father's body, she kicked and screamed and even scratched a police officer. He understood...They all did, they restrained her while the medic retrieved a syringe filled with Alprazolam.

Lily glared at Adam and called out to him. Adam avoided eye contact, his soul couldn't bear it.

"You can't take him!!!"

Lily screamed, she continued to scream even after the medic stuck her with the syringe.

Time flew by, Adam lost his grip on reality and what seemed to him to be no more than a handful of fleeting seconds actually was several hours, before he knew it both the police and medics had left, the house was unnaturally quiet and the only sign of the traumatic event itself was the blood splatter on the floor.

The medics had advised that Lily spend the night in the hospital for psychological observation, it was this chain of events that led him to discover Clara. They brought her in on a stretcher as he waited in the lobby.

They pushed her on a mobile trolley a paramedic sat on top of her and pounded her chest with his fists; Adam followed in a daze and was informed that she had had a heart attack.

With Frank in the morgue, Lily in psych eval and Clara in intensive care, Adam had no choice but to flee. He ran out of the hospital and vomited in a nearby bush, as he wiped his mouth and struggled to keep the contents of his stomach in check he remembered Emily and Franks words.

He could not remember how he had made it to Rose's parent's house safely but he had little care for his own well being, he sat in his car and stared at the house, not a single light was on and he shuddered.

He wondered why he did not phone the police and let them deal with it but for some reason, it felt cheap, he had to be the one to deal with this, he owed Rose that much.

He walked to the front door and noticed the door was unlocked, Adam pushed it open, the door creaked with a malevolence and he shuddered, the door had never creaked before, as far as he knew it was very well maintained, he reached for the light switch and flicked it on, the darkness of the house remained almost in defiance.


Adam called out to the darkness and hoped to fucking God that Frank was mistaken.

He heard a door slam shut, it came from upstairs, he raced up the stairs, with the grace of an angel he leaped, it was a miracle that he did not trip or fall but Adam had no delusions about miracles, he knew and understood that the only powerful God was Man. In his eyes the supernatural, the divine and damned were all tricks of the mind.

He raced up the stairs and stopped dead at the door that had slammed shut. He placed his hand on the cold wood and called out.


The door creaked open and Adam stared baffled.

The room was a dark void like the rest of the house, however, he heard a rocking chair, it rocked slow and rhythmic, the sound that had tormented Frank to depths of his sanity called out to Adam with hope.

Adam approached; he could make out a silhouette and smiled with bliss.

"Emily something has happened, Lily needs you..."

He stepped closer and the chair stopped. Adam frowned and watched as a woman stood. She stood and beckoned him closer with her hand.

Adam walked closer; he was close enough to touch her now and every fiber of his being screamed for him to run from the room.

He smelt a sour odor and knew, he stepped back with fear and the woman opened her eyes.

Amber eye's reflected back at him, she held her hands out to touch him and lunged forwards. Adam screamed, the room's lights flicked on of their own volition and he saw Emily's corpse at his feet.

It was true...

He collapsed to his knees and screamed with rage and then he heard laughter.

He turned his head and Rose was stood at the light switch.


He screamed and she flicked off the light.

Before he knew it she had lunged across the room and wrapped her cold dead hands around his throat, she screamed in his face, white mist expelled from her mouth and she continued to choke him. She choked him till he blacked out....

He woke several hours later with a severe migraine, the sun filtered through the curtains and Adam wretched he could smell Emily's rot.


Adam blinked, he stared at the mirror and washed his face, Lily slept in the next room, it had been three days and Adam had barely slept, eaten or rested even to a slight degree, he had spent his time wisely, he watched and cared for Lily. He watched Clara whilst she lay in the hospital bed, hooked up to more machines that he could count. He planned both Franks and Emily's funeral.

All the while he noticed things from the corner of his peripheral vision, Feet when no body was in the room, the glimpse of a dirtied burial gown, the smell of rancid meat, and the constant suspicion that somebody was stood behind him.

Adam wiped his face on the towel and shuddered as he heard Lily call out to Frank in her sleep.

He opened the medicine cabinet and retrieved more Xanax, he would have to wake her and convince her to take more, it was for her own good...

Adam closed the medicine cabinet and turned to leave the bathroom, he paused and turned back to face the mirror.

The mirror had cracked and Adam stared back at multiple reflections of himself, each one as warped as the last. He moved closer, stared and gasped.

They all had amber eyes...

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now