Chapter 27 - From The Inside (Edited)

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"Love never dies a natural death, it dies of blindness and errors and betrayals, it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings." Anais Nin

The life support that was currently hooked up to Clara suddenly turned itself off. There was no beeping or warbling sounds, only serenity.

If nurses had been in the room they would have been rendered speechless. The overt glow of the hospital light fixtures still beamed out their nauseating high levels of light. The television was still tuned into a channel of no significance. Throughout every electrical circuit in the hospital pulsed energy; all but one. Clara's life support.

At this same moment of rebellious chaos, Lily opened her arms and welcomed her death.

Adam walked slowly, not out of hesitation but malice. The shine from his eyes was absent. Lily assumed it was due to rage, however, Adam was not the one holding the knife right now.

In his mind, he was scattered, scattered like ash upon the embrace of the wind.

He had no cognition or control he had ceased to be.

Clara convulsed, her time worn hands clenched the cheap sheets of the hospital bed, she did this until her hand outstretched and she smiled with wide eyes, looking at a particular corner of the room. Her gaze was level to that of a child and Clara breathed her last breath on this mortal plane. A single tear rolled down her wrinkled cheek and settled on her lips.

Something invisible, the same something she had smiled at, walked to her side and gently moved her arms to fold them across her chest. Her eyes open and dilated from death gently closed. The teardrop gathered on the tip of her lips, rose from her lips and evaporated into oxygen.

The machine turned back on, sending out its horrendous warble of a flat-line, nurses rushed in minutes later. They would have been much faster, they normally are a lot faster, but a woman had gone into premature labor at the same moment.

The truth of it is that it did not matter. Clara was dead and no variation of circumstance could alter that fact.

Adam held the knife to Lily's throat and faced her to gaze in the cracked mirror.

He whispered in her ear.

"Hell has a special circle for whores like you."

Lily ignored him and instead chose to focus on the cracked reflective surface before her.

It was there that she noticed the light.

Adam also saw this light and screamed in a rage. He pushed Lily to the ground, turned with hostility, saw the woman made of light and laughed.

The light was flickering and not very strong but with every step, she took into the bathroom the light grew with intensity until it was all but blinding holy light.

Adam covered his eyes with one hand and pointed the knife at Lily with the other.

"You stupid bitch... I'm going to kill her right in front of you and your precious light can't stop me."

The woman turned her head to gaze at Lily, for one moment Lily saw past the illusion of the light and gasped. Clara smiled and mouthed unspoken words to her before her gaze returned to Adam and the holy fire exploded out from her body and collided with him.

The light enveloped him now, Clara was nowhere to be seen but Lily still felt her gently guiding her out of the room. As soon as Lily exited the room the door slammed shut and explosions of light began to pulse sporadically and filter through the tiny opening at the base of the door.

Adam who was still scattered like the wind finally made a cognitive connection to reality. He saw a white orb of light and it was guiding him out of the dark.

Adam screamed for minutes on end before finally, the room fell dark once more.

Lily stood at the door, scared shit-less until she finally took a tentative breath and turned the doorknob.

The door cracked open slowly and Lily smiled.

Adam was stood facing the bathroom mirror, the light had returned to his eyes and for once in his life, he looked at peace.

Lily stepped in the room tentatively and Adam jumped with surprise, he hissed in pain and stared down at the knife that was still lodged in his leg.

His kind eyes suddenly darkened as he realized something had happened.

He tried to speak but before he could Lily ran and embraced him tightly.  

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now