Chapter 24 - Devil In The Details (Edited)

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"Fortune favors the Bold." Pliny the Elder

Clara glared at the boy with rage.

"So we invited Evil in but how do we stop this?"

He stared at her coldly and laughed.

"Stop Evil? You cannot stop evil..."

Clara clenched her fists tightly but she held her composure something was happening here, she knew it...

"I don't believe you; why else would you be here?"

The boy smiled and his eyes darkened.

"Evil is a fixed attribute of our universe, it has always existed in one form or another and always will think of it if you will like Time, Time ticks and tocks, Time will also never stop..."

Clara sighed exasperatedly.

The boy smiled.

"There are exemptions to the rule, of course, certain beings can stop time, reverse and even accelerate it, and the same can be said for Evil."

Clara nodded.

"You're saying that you can stop her?"

The boy nodded.

"I can... but I won't..."

Clara hissed and opened her mouth to speak. The boy placed his finger on her lips and silenced her.

"Come I will explain..."

The boy turned and headed down a side street, Clara followed and caught up after he passed from her view. She stopped and glared, the street was empty, and the boy was long gone.

She jumped, a hand appeared from thin air and waved her forwards to follow, Clara sighed and followed as she neared she noticed that the air had a shimmer as if it was not air at all but in fact a curtain. She pressed forward and stepped through the gap. In a micro moment she was stood in a location she vowed to never return to.

She stood in the empty field; in the center was a large elm tree, it appeared ancient, its roots reached far and wide, and the foundations of her house housed one of the said roots.

The boy leaned against the elm tree and smiled. Clara stepped forwards and stopped.

Two children played in the branches of the tree; they climbed as if pursued by hungry and ferocious wolves. Clara exclaimed and held her hand over her mouth in fear. The boy grinned and pointed up.

Clara looked up and screamed.

"Watch out!"

To her dismay, both children glanced at her with fear and confusion and one child lost her footing, Clara watched sickened as her younger self, reached out to her sister with tears, it was too late, her sister lay dead, her tiny body broken at the base of the tree.

The boy strode across to Clara with glee. Clara looked up her younger self, was gone, she had vanished in a puff of smoke, her sister's corpse, however, remained.

"Do you see?" He asked.

Clara reached out to strangle him but her hand passed right through him.

The boy shook his head in disappointment.

"What do you remember about that day?"

"Everything..." She hissed.

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now