Chapter 33 - Stupefied (Edited)

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"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity..." Edgar Allen Poe

Adam sat in the interview room, Officer Shaw was seated across from him and trying his best lure him into a false sense of security. Once it became evident that Adam wasn't in a talkative mood, Shaw signaled someone from behind the two-way glass mirror.

Adam's heart raced for one split second he thought that Lily had entered the room; the likeness of the female officer was so strong that he opened his mouth to say her name before his weary brain made the connection.

The officer placed a folder in Shaw's nicotine stained fingers and left without speaking. All the while Shaw was watching Adam's body language like he was a living piece of art.

Shaw smiled revealing his yellowed teeth as Adam cleared his throat. He held the folder in one hand and spoke again.

"Let me try this again... Why did you murder her?"

Adam sighed and stared at the folder in Shaw's hands.

"The dogs killed her not me..." He spat.

Shaw shook his head and glared at him.


Adam clenched his jaw and spoke this time his tone had a cutting quality to it.

"How long have you been a cop?"

Shaw stared at him uncertain. Adam had been silent for hours now, and now he was talking, being a wise arse would only silence him once more. Shaw shook his head and decided to answer him just to keep him talking.

"Twelve years..."

Adam nodded and sighed.

"In that time have you had many criminal masterminds who used a pack of dogs to kill their victims...?" He asked once more with hostility.

Shaw ignored the jibe he was already in hot water with his chief for not reading Adam his Miranda rights. Lucky for him the savage nature of the crime scene affected the chief just as much as it had for him.

"I still don't understand why I'm here being questioned like this..." Adam spat.

Shaw spoke but masked his hatred for Adam.

"Normally you wouldn't be but let's say you have a habit of being around dead bodies lately..."

Adam stared at the folder once more before he spoke.

"I'm the victim here... I found the woman I loved torn apart for fuck's sake..."

Shaw clenched his jaw. So he was still playing the victim... Fine.

Shaw opened the folder and began to slide photograph after photograph across the table. Each time Adam's hands trembled.

Shaw spoke.

"A car accident. Acute Renal failure. Suicide. Stroke. And now this. Coincidence or foul play? These cases alone are not considered suspect when they are brought together they paint a very different picture."

Adam stared at each post mortem photograph; each filled him to the core with rage. Every death was his fault. All of this had happened because he had taken his eyes from the wheel.

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now