Chapter 30 - Everything Falls Apart. (Edited)

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(I want someone to select this quote so feel free to comment a Quote here and I will use It If I find It In the theme of the works.)

Adam woke mid scream, the bed was wet from excess sweat and his breathing matched the rapid, pounding of his heart.

He had dreamed that Rose had returned from the dead, the smell of her putrid flesh was still wedged in his nostrils. The horrid sounds of a rigor mortis corpse moving were permanently burned into his mind.

He looked around the room in a frenzied state before he started to feel at ease once more. He was safe. None of it was real. His brain had decided to play a malicious trick on him. Yet a nagging seed had taken root in Adams mind.

Adam rolled out of bed as silently as he could manage and snatched his clothes from their scattered positions on the floor.

In the dark, he struggled to pull on his jeans and paused as they clung to his ankles. Was he in his right mind...?

Adam stared at Lily and watched her as she dreamed peacefully. He envied her and loved her at the same instance. It was because of his new found love for Lily that he had to be certain.

Successfully dressed he silently retrieved his keys and shut the apartment door behind him.

Lily sighed from the bed and turned over to flick on the bedside lamp. He eyes looked bloodshot and she felt different.

She didn't know whether this was a bad or good different she only knew that she had changed. Altered in the slightest. For better or worse time would be the decider.

Adam slowly pulled up to the Car Park of the graveyard, the headlights of the car barely filtered through the dense layer of mist that seemed to be spilling forth from the cemetery grounds themselves. He stared at the perfectly rational occurrence and felt only the cold discomfort of dread.

He slowly pushed open the car door and stepped forth on the mist coated gravel. The sky above was clear from clouds and even with the light pollution from a medium sized city the stars still smiled down upon Adam. He stared at the full moon that floated ominously above him and sighed.

The sight would normally make him smile but everything about this was foreboding. He felt as if a devil had reached inside his guts and had begun to twist and turn them with savagery.

With trepidation and a great determination to quell his mind and soul, Adam walked into the graveyard and headed for the plot that currently housed his deceased lover.

As he turned the corner he gasped and held his hands over his eyes.

"No. No. No...!" He muttered to himself.

The earth had been torn asunder and the exposed and shattered remnants of a coffin welcomed him.

Slowly he opened his eyes and fell to his knees with relief the graveyard and its hallowed soil remained untouched. It was nothing but a deluded distortion from his sick mind.

Adam pulled himself to his feet and moved closer to the soil that blanketed Roses coffin. He inspected the site looking for any deviation from the normal. He stared down at the hallowed ground and the coffin that surely lay beneath it, despite quietening the screaming voice of dread in his mind Adam still had that gut wrenching sensation.

He looked down at the grave and spoke his mind. Unfiltered and unafraid.

"Why? What twisted you into such a fucking bitch...? Why can't you just leave me the fuck alone...?"

Adam clenched his fists and he shouted out to phantoms.

"You're dead..."

He knelt over the grave and let his hands feel the soil. The soil trickled and ran through his fingers, Adam felt his bottled emotions boil to the surface.

Without realizing he had started to punch the soil... With every slam of his fist, his mind recalled the horrors that he had experienced.

He remembered the darkness that had swallowed him whole and realized why Rose plagued him.

She envied him, Lily and everyone, that was lucky enough to be alive. He sighed as he came to this realization, as he understood what had twisted and deformed his departed beloved.

Tears spilled down his face and he cursed the day God had taken her away from him.

He stopped as his subconscious mind screamed a warning. Slowly he turned his head and saw them. Countless amber eyes were perched in the trees, they had been watching him all this time and he had been too blind to see them.

He slowly pushed himself to his feet; his eyes never broke contact from the murder of crows above. He glared at them and exploded with rage.

"Come on then!!!" He taunted.

With a unison flap of their wings, they descended and flew at him. Adam screamed in rage as crow after crow slammed into him and pecked his face before encircling him once more.

He held his hands protectively over his eyes and heard them caw a mocking laugh as they descended once more.

He screamed and lashed out against them in vain.

Blood ran over his eyes and he screamed as one crow plucked his eye right from its socket. He fell to his knees and screamed in rage.

A glow caught his attention. Through his remaining eye, he saw The Boy standing on Rose's grave.

The boy glared at the crows with contempt and raised his fist to the heavens above.

Adam laughed with mania as the light from the North Star began to fall from the sky and collect at the boy's fist.

The boy winked at Adam and punched the air. A shockwave of light arced across the air and slammed into the crows, they screamed as it hit them and set them ablaze.

At first, the crows screamed an inhuman warble but slowly the scream began to alter until Adam recognized that the scream was very much human. Rose was screaming at him and the boy in rage.

The boy knelt in front of Adam and placed his hands over his eye and whispered to him.

Adam didn't recognize what he said but in a nanosecond, Adam was once more alone in the graveyard. He didn't feel any pain and was sure that he had both his eyes.

He checked himself and fell to the dirt laughing until he came to his senses enough to look for the crows.

The crows were gone or were never really truly there in the first place. Adam didn't know, neither did he care which was true nor false, he had come here for a sign. And that sign had been clear enough, Rose was returning. It was only a matter of time.

Adam turned his back on her grave and began to walk back to his car. He sat in the car and noticed the light from his phone.

He must have left it in the car...

He checked his phone, his face turned a shade of white as he read the text.

He turned the ignition and sped beyond the speed limit as he raced home.

The text repeated in his mind on a loop.


The message had been sent from Rose's phone... The same phone that had been completely destroyed in the crash.

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now