Chapter 15 - Lesser Evil (Edited)

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"Evil is unspectacular, and always human, and shares our bed and eats at our table." W. H. Auden.

Frank stood at the doorway and sighed, he remembered that the last time he visited Clara had been soul destroying. And here he was again, standing in her doorway, just as traumatized as before.


"How is this possible?" Frank asked frustrated.

"I have no great understanding of the living; my specialty is with the deceased." The Mortician responded.

Frank felt his anger try to claw its ugly way to the surface. He wouldn't let it, not here and not now; not with his Rose lain on that table. Not with those cold dead eyes within his eye-line. He quashed the rage down, bottle-necking it for later, for somewhere where he could be alone to scream in anger, to strain his vocal chords; and collapse from exertion.

Using all of his remaining will, he spoke with a calmness that spooked even the Mortician. It was the tone of a dead-man; flat and emotionless.

"I understand, but how could my Rose have been three month's pregnant when she..."

The words felt lodged in his throat. The Mortician spoke for him, not out of kindness but merely because he hated anything that was incomplete, even sentences.

"Passed on." He finally spoke with sweat on his brow.

Frank too felt relief; he knew he couldn't finish the words. He knew the moment he started speaking and his brain flagged up the words with imagined flashing red lights.

Not liking the awkward silence the Mortician spoke; again, Frank was thankful.

"I'm not a fan of talking poorly of the departed, but is it possible she kept this a secret?"

Frank thought this over and came to a quick but honest decision.

"No. Not Rose. Never in a million years!"

The Mortician's eyes flashed a look as if he was thinking something that drastically contradicted Frank's statement. The look only lasted for a millisecond before the Mortician feigned agreement.

"Then it could be possible that she had no idea?"

The Mortician said as he checked Rose's autopsy notes.

Frank thought this felt more close to home, yes, this was probably the case, and He couldn't imagine Rose would drink alcohol if she knew she was with child.

Did she drink any alcohol that night? His brain mused.

"Is that even possible though?" Frank asked hoping to hell it was.

The Mortician looked down at Rose as he spoke.

"Oh yes, trust me ... it's not that unheard of, 20% of women only realize 15 weeks or more into their pregnancy." He continued. "10% of women come to full term and don't show any symptoms in the slightest, sometimes they are still clueless right up until their water breaks."

Frank nodded; his eyes shined and were close to tears. He pictured sitting Emily down next to him and imagined the horror in her face as he told her.

Worse of all he would also have to tell Adam. After all who else was there? Who else but Frank?

Frank left shortly after he thanked the Mortician. It was false of course, inwardly he repeatedly screamed in rage at him; why couldn't he just keep his fucking mouth shut?

Frank couldn't return home, not yet; not in this state. His impulses led him to Clara. He had absent-mindedly driven to her house, lost deep in his thoughts. His sub conscious clearly knew what action was best for him.

That day Clara was waiting for him as if she already knew.


Today he was less surprised to find Clara's front door wide open, in-fact he smiled as he heard her call to him.

"Come in already and shut that damn door." 

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now