Chapter 21 - The Vengeful (Edited)

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"Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves." Confucius

Frank stared at his hand and the 9mm he clutched with an iron grip, his memory was fuzzy, he remembered he had punched the code into the gun safe, he remembered his rage, but had no recollection of the events in between. The last he remembered he had screamed in rage at the sight of Emily's lifeless eyes, now he sat in his car and clutched his gun with blanched knuckles.

The journey here was lost somewhere, hidden beneath the frail fragments from his insanity, he knew he was drunk as a skunk, perhaps the most intoxicated he had ever been, but yet his faculties remained, anyone else would have been rendered catatonic.

Frank knew deep down that he was a simple victim of happenstance, but the left hemisphere of his brain, specifically the lobe linked to rational thought was frenzied from blocked messages by excess alcohol and a disastrous cocktail from high levels of both dopamine and endorphins; in short, Frank was Rabid.

Frank pushed open the driver side door and exited the vehicle; he left the door wide open, the keys in the starter, the engine hummed with life.

Frank loved Adam like a son but alcohol had stripped him bare and revealed the ugly beast within, deep down Frank's opinion of Adam had altered, more often than not the subconscious mind exists on an entirely separate level, however, in this case, this unfiltered and true form of Frank swam to the surface and had taken control.

Frank knocked on the door, his anger bled through, Adam would pay with his blood, Frank had fifteen rounds in the chamber and he had no quarrels when it came to the concept of overkill, Frank would stand over Adam's lifeless corpse and fire round after round into his body and when the clip lay empty; he would proceed to use his fists instead, such was his anger.

Adam opened the door with clear concern on his face, Frank snarled at the falsehood and pistol whipped Adam in the nose, blood erupted from his nose and Frank was elated at the mere sight.

"..Is yer fult!"


In his mind, he walked with purpose and spoke clear, in reality, he staggered, stumbled and slurred. Adam stared wide eyed and confused; Frank screamed in rage at the confusion, how dare Adam mock him.

Frank repeated himself this time through the assistance of rage he spoke clearly.

"This is your fault!"

Adam retreated from him with horror on his face and Frank felt ecstatic to be able to air his grievance, someone screamed.

Frank stopped, turned to follow the source of the scream and snarled, stood before him was his daughter, her modesty stripped bare as she stood before him in nothing but a wet towel, Frank clenched his fists in fury, he contemplated Filicide... but with Emily's death his soul could not abide the death of another family member, Adam, however, was not family, he rued the day he ever labelled him so.

Frank's eyes wandered back to Adam with intemperate rage. He ground his teeth, the noise unsettled even him.

"You piece of shit! How could you!"

He screamed his throat strained, Adam shook his head silently, his eyes wide with fear, they lingered on the sight of Lily, wrapped in the wet towel and darted back to Frank, his eye's altered from terror to defiance.

Frank raised the gun level to Adam's head, his arm steadied as a rock; his eye's narrowed for accuracy and squeezed the trigger. Lily screamed in terror, Adam merely blinked.

The gun clicked dull, Frank stared stupefied before he understood that he had left the safety on. He cursed and flicked off the safety.

Adam had the clear opportunity to tackle Frank but instead, he stood and stared down the barrel of the gun, as if he welcomed death. This only enraged Frank further, how dare he act the victim, he had been the one to lose his daughter and his wife, all because a boy masqueraded as a man and had strung his daughter along; like some toy.

Clara was right, Adam was a child and Rose deserved better, she deserved to find someone who was true to his words, someone who wanted to create life with his daughter and grow old together. Someone other than Adam...

"This isn't what it looks like; I would never betray Rose this way, especially with her mourning sister," Adam spoke slowly, his eyes glistened with tears.

"Hokum! You murdered Rose and now you stand before me and act the role of the crusader!"

Lily cursed.

"Dad for Christ sake drop the gun and go home, sleep... Adam is innocent, he feels guilty enough without you twisting the facts so you can blame somebody, anybody for her death! You're better than this!"

Frank glared at his daughter with contempt and cut her down with two words.

"Quiet Jezebel."

Lily's face turned white with shock, she reached behind her and caressed the scratched word on her back.

Adam spoke; Frank could see his anger at Lily's disrespect.

"Frank I'm sorry, you have no idea how sorry I am... but as much as I want... I can't alter the past, Lily is your daughter, don't take her for granted..."

Frank glared at Adam, his finger tapped automatic on the gun.

"You're sorry? Is that supposed to fix things, is that supposed to bring my daughter back to me? Is it supposed to bring Emily back from the dead...?"

Lily burst into tears at the news, her legs gave way under her, and Adam stared at Frank with denial.


Frank laughed and steadied his aim.

"She's dead; her heart gave in from grief... so Adam please tell me again how sorry you are!!!"

Adam sighed and walked slowly toward Frank, the gun touched his forehead, and he accepted his fate...

"I am sorry..." He spoke with sadness.

Frank looked past Adam the moment the shadow fell from the ceiling; the shadow became human with every millisecond. Frank cried out in surprise as Rose stood before him.

She smiled, her eyes twinkled amber and for one brief moment, Frank regained his rational self.

He looked past Adam and spoke.

"No...You're not..."

Rose smiled and treated her hand as if it was a gun; she lifted her own hand to her temple and feigned the squeeze of the trigger. Frank was so mesmerized he didn't notice that he mimicked her. Both Rose and Frank's head's violently snapped to the side as the trigger clicked.

The room filled with a bang, Frank's blood covered Adam's face... Lily screamed and ran to her father, he fell and the gun dropped to the floor. Adam stared dead ahead in shock and turned around.

Rose stood in the center of the room, she grinned at Adam and blew him a kiss, Adam blinked with shock and when he opened his eyes, she was gone. He turned back to look at Lily who held her Father in her arms as she screamed.

Gast: Volume 1: Dead to rights. (Gothic Horror) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now