THIRTEEN. maybe you don't fit in anymore

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THE PAST couple of days had been a little hectic towards Gideon

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THE PAST couple of days had been a little hectic towards Gideon. More so than usual she would say.

After showing her song to Ricky and telling Ms. Jenn that she had completed it, Ms. Jenn scrapped the duet, made it a solo, and had Carlos record Gideon's performance and post it on the East High's drama department Instagram.

It became the most viewed video on their Instagram to date.

Ricky could see the excitement on Gideon's face as the video gardener move views by the minute. He could see how proud of herself she was and he didn't want to ruin that by telling her that her lyrics kinda hurt.

He reminded himself that they are just lyrics and they have no meaning whatsoever. The song is about a rose and that's it. At least he hoped.

Ricky stood with Big Red as they watched Gideon be interviewed by Gina and EJ as they started a new at the school.

Ricky watched her, a smile bright on her face as she answered their questions with ease. He let out a content sigh and faced Red.

"I'm happy for her. She's doing something on her own and is pretty happy with it."

"That's good." Red smiled, "The lyrics seem really sad, so I'm glad you can support her."

Ricky held a tip-lip smile, patting Red on his shoulder, and walked off, meeting Gideon halfway towards their desired destination.

"Did you see me on TV?" Gideon asked, a bright smile on her face.

"You looked gorgeous as always."

Ever since Ricky slightly opened up to Gideon, they had been okay-ish. Meaning, Gideon hadn't been soaking up in her own problems and had been focused on just trying to listen to what Ricky had been saying.

Ricky on the other hand had been trying to see any deeper problems that Gideon may have had. Especially since the Rose song came out, but in doing so, he had now been worried that he was keeping her confined and not let her be herself.

"What's on the agenda for you today?" Gideon asked.

"Kourtney's finished our costumes, so we have a fitting today if you would like to stop by."

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