TWENTY. a pretty card for a very pretty girl

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OPENING NIGHT had put a lot more pressure on the cast especially when this show meant the most

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OPENING NIGHT had put a lot more pressure on the cast especially when this show meant the most. With someone from the Menkies watching everyone, every step counted.

The only people not currently freaking out were Margo, Nini, and Gideon.

Margo was one of the Silly Girls and didn't have to do much on stage. Nini was a background character... and a fork, and Gideon was just there for support, which at this time, was very much needed.

Gideon was currently tying Hannah's dress up for the opening number as she was going to be going onstage as Belle.

Ricky's fall also took down Ashlyn with him. With Ricky falling directly on top of Ashlyn, she was pushed back into playing the Wardrobe, which is was fine with, her nerves getting the best of her, and was completely fine sitting this show out.

Hannah on the other hand felt like she was going to pass out. She was Belle's understudy for a reason. She felt instant regret auditioning. She felt regret for a lot of things... consider this karma if they mess up.

Gideon rested her hands on Hannah's shoulders, "You're done."

"I can't go out there."

Gideon furrowed her brows, "What?"

"I- I'm not Belle. That's for Ashlyn. I'm the choreographer. I'm not-"

"You are Belle's understudy for a reason, right? Ashlyn said she was fine with you going on. There's no need to be scared." Gideon reassured.

"There's every reason to be scared! This is the Menkies! This is-"

"A high school production of another Disney movie." Gideon smiled, "Relax, Han. You've got this."

Gideon turned Hannah around and the two of them faced the mirror. Though the two of them had fallen off, in Gideon's opinion, way worse than what her, Nini, and Ricky did, she wasn't going to bring the girl down. Hannah and Gideon had been friends for years and when no one was there for Gideon; Hannah was, same vice versa.

Gideon held her smile, "You are going to be amazing. No matter what the Menkies say. You went out there and did your absolute best."

"You are insanely nice. Like... almost too nice." Hannah laughed.

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