SEVENTEEN. whatever happened to predictability

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SPRING BREAK was supposed to be fun and the time where you're stress-free and can hang out with your friends

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SPRING BREAK was supposed to be fun and the time where you're stress-free and can hang out with your friends... but not for Gideon.

This "big news" her father had for everyone was that her mother had been back in town for "family bonding" and to "make amends". This time around her mother was staying a little longer and staying in the Chandler household.

This wasn't how Gideon expected to have her spring break, then again, she didn't expect to break up with her boyfriend either.

"So, excited?" Campbell asked.

Gideon looked up from her phone and glanced at her uncle, "I'm back in my hell hole."

"Oh... the H-word." Campbell sighed, "Look, I don't want to be here either, but I'm here for support."

"Support of who? Me?"

"Yeah, well... you and Ricky just broke up and you're back in Idaho, so... supporting in the best way we can. Besides moping around and looking at pictures of you and Ricky aren't going to help you get over him."

"This isn't about getting over Ricky. This is about me. This is about what I want to do in my own life. And I couldn't do that with Ricky; not right now anyway."

Campbell couldn't have imagined his niece going through anything like thing. At least, not in her young life.

Of course, the Chandler's had seen some sort of shift when Gideon first came back home versus the infamous Facetime call.

Whether Gideon acknowledged it or not (and she had) she had grown a lot in the past couple of months.

She wasn't as shy, she was more outspoken, and she stood her ground.

"Maybe... advice will come from some unexpected people."

"Maybe I should focus on this... random text from Nini."

"I'll leave you to it." Campbell said, standing from his seat, "But... expect the unexpected."

"Sounds like you're plotting."

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