Hanging Out With Nerds

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"Alan where are you going today?" My dad asked him.

"I'm hanging out with Steven and Wayne." He responded.

"You don't get tired of hanging out with those guys? Like what do you guys even do?"

"We hang out."

"I mean.... what kind of grades are those guys getting?" My dad asked.


"I don't know...I know they're not getting good grades because I know those kinds of guys. Don't you want smarter friends?"

"I don't wanna hang out with nerds dad, can you just stop! You got Bailey to do it but you're not getting me to."

"HEY! Madalyn is not a nerd!" I said defending me and my friend.

"SURE!" He said while leaving out the house.

"I just can't get through to that boy."

Bailey Holis: A Girl's World ♡Where stories live. Discover now