Evil and it's Monsters

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"My mom" I answer as he sighs as put the phone away as I don't know what I feel. It's like nothing I've felt before, I couldn't describe it if I wanted to.

"Rose?" He calls my name as I look into his eyes as he slips his hand into mine. "Oh, shoot" he says as I twitch. "I'm sorry" he says as I exhale deeply.

"No" I say as I pull his hand back to mine. "I like this better" I say as I'm trying to focus, but can't. "Declan?" I cry out his name as he's standing in front of me.

"Yes." He answers as I perk my head up to his view.

"I feel something" I say as a slight smile appears on my face.

"What do you feel?" He ask as he moves my hair behind my ear as a smile uproots his frown. "Describe it to me" he ask me.

"The thing is I don't know if I can. It feel horrible." I explain as his smile drops with my words. "It feels like I'm about to break, collapse from this new. I almost feel sick to my stomach" I say as I look up to him, for some kind of answer to my new found emotion that I just can't seem to figure out.

"That's not a good new feeling Rose" he says as my stomach still slightly turn at the sound of that name that wasn't even supposed to be mine.

"What is it?" I ask as he sighs.

"Panic" he states as I've known that word but I never matched the feeling of it. "What your feeling is panic." He says as it slowly makes more sense.

"I didn't think I would ever feel" I say partially questioning myself now.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Declan ask me as I shrug, still feeling the effects of the new found panic.

"Is it always this bad?" I ask Declan as his head sinks.

"Sometimes" he starts as I sigh. "But when you don't feel like that it's worth it." He says as his eyes light up again.

"What is it?" I ask him, sitting on the running board.

"I made you feel!" He declares as he smiles. "I'm not kidding Rose, it gets better." He consoles me. "Just wait until you feel happiness, I'll make sure you do" he promises me as I nod my head.

Building the confidence to stand up from the running board. "I have to meet my mother" I state as Declan looks taken aback.

"You still want to?" He ask me as I nod yes to his question. "Knowing what she did?" He says as I nod.

"I need to know the answers to all my questions. I want happiness, I have to chase that " I admit to Declan. Looking at him, "Now lets go to the prison!" I order as Declan nods and walks to the driver seat and I get back into the passenger seat and buckle up.

The prison was nothing like I'd seen before. I looked how I would've imagined my soul. Gray, paint peeling off the walls and everybody working there seemed like they'd seen better days.

"What do you need?" A woman behind a counter with bulletproof glass ask me as I walk to her, Declan following closely behind me.

"I'm here to see Iris Pansy" I state as she laughs.

"That old geezer hasn't had visitors in forever" she says as she looks at me. "Who are you to her anyways?" She ask me as I smirk, grabbing my birth certificate from the stack of my new found adoption papers.

"I'm her daughter" I say as I look to the paper.

"Let me get you that visitor pass" she say as she walk to the back and I take a breather.

"I'm going to meet my mom!" I say aloud, standing next to Declan.

"Are you excited?" Declan ask as he tries to dissect the whole situation.

"No" I answer honestly. "But I'm more than a little curious for what she has to say" I admit as he snickers.

"Here's that pass you wanted sweetie" the woman says as she hand me as pass and a pen. As I scribble down my name on it and stick it to my shirt.

"I'll be right back Declan" I assure him as he nods his head as I smile.

"This way" the woman leads me, opening the door that reads restricted access. As I turn around, looking back at Declan, then I continue to follow the woman.

As the woman lead me down the dark hallway, and I blindly follow. And suddenly when the light emerged I was brought to stand in front of a makeshift phone with plexiglass separating it. "Your mother should be here in a second" she says as she stops in her tracks and whispers in my ear. "She's one tough cookie" she admits as she walks away as I ignore it.

But suddenly I see some movement on the other side of the phone. As the lights are turned on and I finally see the woman that they named my mom.

She looked middle aged, red hair like mine and her eyes seemed almost empty. Had prison done this to her?

Picking up the phone and I am the first to talk into it. "Hello?" I say through the phone as she put the phone to her ear.

"Who are you?" She ask as before I can answer she talks again. "You look like someone I know" she admits through a smile.

"I'm Rose Davail" I say as she looks confused. "That was until two days ago" I say as I look into her eyes which seemed like a bottomless pit. "I'm Dahlia Iris" I state to the woman as her ears perk up and I see a slight smile on her face.

"Dahlia?" She calls as I nod my head. "Are you like me at all?" She ask me as I contemplate her question.

"My hair, my eyes? We look alike." I admit to the woman as she smiles.

"In those attributes you look just like me and your father" she tells me as I smirk. "Your father had bleak black hair and my red hair, it just made your pop more." She explains as I feel almost somethings off with her. "But that's not what I'm talking about" she admits as I nod.

"Then what are you talking about?" I ask her as she smiles a bewildered smile that something malice hid behind.

"You feelings?" She ask me as I'm shocked. "Do you have any?" She ask me as the world goes dark at that four worded question as I don't know how to answer it.

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