The Black Hole

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A black hole, so strong and destructive that not even a particle can make it out of this unique region of space. One minute everything is fine and the next your caught in a black hole, taking you and your own future down with you. I always had this unique fear that on day one would be opened out of nowhere and swallow me whole. Funny how our fears have this unique way of coming true, just in a entirely different way than we thought.

As I open my eyes as the sounds become to much for me, but my vision becomes to hazy for my own good. "ROSE?!" My father calls name as I turn my head to him and smile, "Your going to be fine" the nurse says as she wraps her arm around mine and I pull her sleeve as she leans in, "Don't save me" I whisper as my sight becomes to unbearable and I pass out.

As I hear the voices of the machines beeping viciously and doctors rushing as they yell at each other and suddenly I feel this intense pressure on my stomach.

"HARDER" I hear someone yells as it feels like someone's repeatedly punching me in the stomach, as I groan as each time the pressure becomes unbearable and suddenly the feeling of my vomit traveling and resting in my throat became too much and I had no other choice than to let them save me.

As I shoot up and empty the contents of my stomach in the bin next to me as the doctors sigh from relief and I pout as my head hangs over the bin. "ROSE, YOU MADE IT" my father yells happily as I throw myself back in the hospital bed and sigh at the realization I'm still here.

I was supposed to be gone, erased from existence as everyone life's moved on and mine just ended, but things never go as planned. As I close my eyes and drift to sleep as the doctors fiddle with the machines and my IV. I was supposed to be with the one person who cared about me, whoever this god was, is more cruel than you can ever fathom.

                               The next day
As I open my eyes hoping to wake up to my grandmother face and to be disappointed to see nothing but a bare, white room. As I turn my head and see the annoying face of my brother, as I try to sit up from the bed I'm struck back and I look to my side and see the restraints around my wrist.

"Rose?" My brother says softly as I rattle my restraints against the bed, eagerly trying to free my hands. "ROSE STOP" he yells as I keep rattling them and he holds my hands to my side, "ROSE" he screams as I lay back down and stop in shock. "What's wrong" he ask as I look at the restraints, "Am I a damn animal, cause these won't do the trick" I tell him as he nods. "We can't do anything about them, it's protocol" he says as I laugh, "I am not deranged, I am fine" I tell him as I go back to fiddling with my restraints and he tries to drill me.

"Rose, it was a suicide attempt" Wright says as I laugh, "And it should have worked, because if it did I WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE IN THIS GOD DAMN PLACE" I say as I pull my arm in hope the restraint will bust, but to no avail. "Why did you do it?" He ask me as I smile, "I thought you already knew, after all maybe I should have left you a note" I say sarcastically as continue to jiggle with the restraints. "But.......why" he says as I hear him choking back something and I look up to see tears pouring down his eyes. "Why would you want to leave me Rose? Your my sister." He ask me as I look away and I have no answer, "How you treat me is not how you treat someone you love Wright, and you know that" I say as I never actually thought he ever cared, and seeing the pain in his eyes chipped me more than I would even know myself.

"Rose" he stutters my name out of his mouth as I look at him and nod, "Don't leave me, I promise I'll be better" he begs as I nod and he squeezes my hand as I smile. The sound of the door closing prompts my head up and I see my mother and father standing there, so still, almost like a deer in the headlights.

"Rose?" My father says as he looks at my open eyes and runs to my bedside and kisses my forehead. "Oh, stop Jack. We all know she did this as some disastrous attempt at attention" my mother says as mouth drops and I close my eyes and count to three and breathe. "REALLY BREE" my dad shouts at her as her face goes blank and I open my eyes surprised to hear my dads voice. "For so many years I have stood by your side and watched you criticize her. And look where that got her, into a hospital bed. God forbid you drive her into the grave, how would you feel then?" He ask her as he storms out of the room and she glares at me and quickly runs after him, "Jack, please" she calls after him as she leaves the room.

"Wow" I say as I'm speechless and Wright laughs, "They've been fighting a lot, but I think dad just might ask for a divorce" he says as those words bring a smile to my face, sadly faked. "He deserves it, to be happy" I say as I hear another knock on the door, "Declan" the man yells as Wright open the door and lets him in, sounds familiar, I think to myself but nothing more than a coincidence.

As he opens the door and I see the man, the man from the nursing home and I freeze. "This is Declan, Rose" my brother says as I quickly fake a smile and wave as I sit back up in my bed. "It's like visitor central in here" I joke as Wright laughs but his face remains still. "I'm going to get a snack from the vending machines" Wright says as he quickly leaves and Declan moves the surgical tray closer to me and sits down comfortably.

"Probably not the smartest thing to do" I say as he looks confused and then gets it as he fiddles with the stand and throws it across the room, "Sorry" he says as I laugh. "Calm down" I say as he smiles, "Not like you could grab it anyway" he says as relief washes over his face as I raise my arm to his sight as the restraints dangle down and my arms are broken free. "Don't try to swindle a swindler" I say as fear resinates on his face, "Calm down, I won't do it again" I says as he wipes a bead of sweat off his face and leans forward, "Why did you do it?" He ask me as my smile that I painted on so perfectly washes away so quickly. Almost like chalk on the sidewalk, like it was never there and only to reveal the truth, what was meant to be concealed in the first place. "Um....." I stutter as the door open and the doctor walks in and I hide my hands behind my back and she instantly make eyes contact with Declan. "Wow, didn't know you knew him. Thought it was just by chance" she says as I don't know what's she's talking about.

"What do you mean" I ask her as Declan digs his head into the chair, "He found you" she says as my jaw hit the floor, "Lucky he did in time too, you almost didn't make it. He's like your savior." She says as my expression go blank and I close my eyes and wish it all disappeared, like it was supposed to yesterday.

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