Rather Be Drunk Than Remember This Betrayal

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It was true. Heartache is the one and only unmatched pain, the one pain that aches for no reason at all. But right now I was doing what is best known as a temporary cure for the pain of the heart, drinking.

Inhaling every drink around me like a fish in hope of filling the pain, and with my luck I was just a sloppy drunk.

"Rose?" I hear as I smile, raising my drink up in the air to salute.

"Oh yay!" I say sarcastically as I see it's just Jack. "It's Jack, my ex" I say aloud as I chuckle through my sentence.

"Are you okay?" He ask me as I nod my head.

"No" I tell him as I stand up and my legs feel wobbly and Jack throws my arm over his shoulder as he steadies me. "My real name is Dahlia! I hate you calling me that stupid name! Rose! I used to be somebodies rose." I say with resent as I look to Declan holding Valerie in his arms as I sigh. "And now I'm nobody's now!" I say, "Not even a weed!" I cry as he nods his head.

"Your drunk, Rose" he tells me as I snicker at his words.

"No I'm not!" I detest his words. "I'm being honest! I'm all alone now!" I complain as he nods his head to me. "I can't even drive! How pathetic is that?" I ask him as he uncomfortably coughs.

"I can teach you" he offers as I smirk that smile when you have a bad idea.

As Jack opens the door of the building leading us both out of the engagement party as I feel slightly relieved to be out. Hearing the frantic joy just kept reminding me of what I lost in somebody else's win.

"DAHLIA!!" I hear a familiar voice call to me as I turn around to see Declan. "Who are you?" He ask Jack as I snicker.

"He's my ex" I chuckle as I think of the coincidence. The man I was pining over meeting my ex.

"What are you doing with her?" Declan asks Jack as he props me up against the car.

"She's plastered man" Jack answers, "She can't get home alone, she can't even walk" he explains as I roll my eyes.

"She's my friend" Declan say as it burns me when he says that. Was that all I was to him now? Just a friend? "Me and Valerie will give her a lift" Declan says as I detest his offer.

"No!" I say sternly. The bare thought of being in a car with them, let alone seeing them hurt too much. "I'm going with him!" I make my choice as Jack smiles.

Maybe it wasn't right to lead Jack on, but I hope it would partially mend my pain, and that's all that mattered at the moment.

"She chose" Jack says as he throws my arm back over his shoulder as I shrug.

"Goodnight Declan" I say softly as Jack lead me to his car and I get in. As I look behind me I see Declan, his head hung and looking almost defeated. Did he really feel something for me? Or was it all in my head? I ask myself as I come to the realization that I'm drunk as the car starts moving.

"Are you okay?" Jack ask me as I smile and nod my head.

"I'm fine" I say as he smirks.

"I know this might not be the right time but I want another chance Dahlia" he begs me as I realize he actually said my name.

"I don't know" I say through my spell as I keep looking out the window. "People are ex's for a reason" I spill a piece of my drunken knowledge to Jack as he chuckles.

"And people make regrets for a reason" Jack says as he slips his hand over mine as he places the car in park. "So they can learn what it really feels like to take advantage of what they had before and it slip away" he says as I look into his eyes and I feel myself slipping off my high horse.

"Regrets happen for a reason" I tell him as I open the car door.

"Wait!" Jack calls as I look back to him. "You were anything but a regret for me" Jack says as I sigh.

"Bye, Jack" I turn back around as he stops me again.

"I'll be here tomorrow at seven" he says as I hear the engine of his car start.

"Why?" I ask him as he smiles at my confusion.

"To teach you how to drive of course!" He says as he places his car into drive and speeds away as I snicker at the emptiness he's left me in.

Being awake can be the absolute worse, the thing that you dread. The morning as nothing but the pain from the night before emerges and nothing can disguise that pain.


I hear as I roll off the couch and onto the floor from the sudden noise.

"WHO THE HELL IS KNOCKING ON MY DOOR LIKE A MADMAN!!!" I scream as I stomp angrily to the door. Opening it to see the one person I never wanted to see again, Jack.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him as I see a bag in his hand and coffees in the other. "And how do you know where I live?" I ask him as he pushes past me with a smile on his face.

"So I take it you don't remember last night?" He ask me as I sigh. What didn't I remember?

"What happened?" I ask Jack as a slight chuckle escapes his lips.

"You got wasted after your friend got engaged" he burdens me with the crippling truth as all of a sudden his intrusion in my apartment means nothing anymore.

Taking a seat on my couch to try and disguise the heckling of my heart.

"But I told you I was going to be here" he tells me.

"What for?" I question him as I hide my discontent at his presence.

"To teach you how to drive" he says as I smirk. "You were crying about how you couldn't drive last night and I thought why not be a good samaritan?" He builds himself up as I smile.

"Whatever" I tease him as he meet my smile with his own.

"See!" He declares as he points to me. "I knew I could make that frown of yours turn upside down" he uses that childish quote as I roll my eyes.

"I'm going to take a shower" I say as I smell my dress as I can still smell the stench of Alcohol. "But save me some of whatever you have in that bag!" I say as I walk into my room.

Forty five minutes later
"I told you" I tell him as I stand in front of a silver Altima. "I'm not going to let you teach me to drive" I debate as he shrugs to me.

"Why?" He ask me, "What's the worst thing that could happen?" He ask aloud. "You fall in love with me?" He taunts as I sigh at his humor.

"No" I say blankly. "Just the thought of me having to spend time with you in a small car" I say as he shakes his head at my statement. "......sober" I add as he rolls his eyes to me.

"Remember when we were together and you couldn't drive and I thought it was cute" he recalls as I sit in the drivers seat beside him. "Now I just think it's concerning" he tells me as I smirk at his memories. I never thought he'd remember, it felt like so long ago.

"Yeah, well" I tell him as I click my seatbelt. "I thought you were cute when you were gone" I admit as he turns to me.

"Do you really hate me?" He ask me as I try to bite my lip, but I can't.

"It's hard not to" I say as he lets out a heavy sigh. "Especially after everything you did" I tell him as I shift the car into drive.

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