8. Family Reunion.

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*I just wanted to mention, that one of my favourite Louie fanfics 'Legendary' by SarcaSticdamSelX0X0 has began posting again, and I implore you to check out, it's got a similar premise to 'Legacy' and 'Destiny' but more spy-thriller than action-adventure crime book, plus their writing is like 10X better than mine, it's in both my reading lists, so please check it out!*

 Louie could feel his teeth grating against one another as his old life and current life clashed, he had gotten lucky 8-months ago, when he had been imprisoned at McDuck Manor, and eventually escaped, he had managed to keep his friends away from his family. But it looked like his luck had finally ran out.

"So, how did you know where to find me?"

"Oh well we we're looking for a book at Archibald library, and Webby ran into your friend Tommy," - Huey explained, clueing Louie in to who to give a death-glare. - "And he introduced himself and told us that he knew you, before bringing us here."

"Really?" - He questioned with faux enthusiasm.

"Yep." - His older brother who, somehow did not notice Louie's glaring sarcasm, did spot a large scientific device across the room. - "Is that a ScopeTech synthesized Ocrumite engine?" - He asked excitedly.

"Yep," - Amelia proudly answered. - "The energy it producers powers my entire workshop."

"Amazing." - Huey admitted earnestly. The two quickly began talking in technical terms, which Louie tuned out, after all he was a thief not a scientist.

"Tommy!" - He called, attracting the bulldogs attention. - "Quick word." - He smiled, gesturing over to a more secluded area of the workshop.


Once they were at a distance, far enough that no one would be able to hear their conversation. Louie turned to Tommy. - "Why did you bring them here?"

"What? I thought you had made up with them?"

"I did, but that doesn't mean I want them mingling in my business."

"Look I'm a people pleaser, it's why I'm so good at my job, I figure out what people want and I make it my mission to figure out what people want and then try and give it to them. And they," - He vaguely gestured over to the McDucks. - "Want to get to know you."

Louie watched as Scrooge chatted with June, while Webby talked with Lucy. Della and Dewey were in his car, fiddling with the numerous switches, at one point a portion of the hood lifted, revealing the two luckily unarmed missiles launchers Amelia had designed.

Huey and Amelia's conversation also seemed to be going south.

"I've been petitioning for my bosses lab to get one of these for ages, it's just crazy expensive. How much did you pay?"

Amelia gave him a look. - "Pay? Uh, we stole that out of the back of a truck."

"Dammit." - Louie hissed, watching as things began to go wrong. - "I need you to continue working on heist preparation. I'll get them out of here."

"Got it." - He turned around  Amelia, Lucy, June, come here!"

The three passed by Louie, and each gave him a look. A look he knew only could mean one thing.

'Now I understand why you left.'

"Where are they going?" - Webby asked.

"They had to get back to work, so I think you go somewhere else, and allow them to work without distraction." - Louie suggested, hoping to get them out of the workshop.

"Like where? we visited a load of tourists attractions earlier."

Louie subtly ushered them over to the exit. - "Well what attractions did you visit?" - He questioned, hoping to probe information from them, that he could use to figure out where he could take them.

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