1. Brawl At The Ball.

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*What I think Louie's theme song would be. Set in the same AU, where FOWL hasn't been defeated, Webby isn't related to the McDucks and Louie left when he was 14.*

'There is a downside to everything.' - Was a cynical opinion/rule, which Webby had developed over the last few years. Examples of the rule included: Hugs transmitted communicable diseases; Cool looking swords found on adventures are usually cursed; Friends getting into relationships means you'll be alone at parties.

It was that last example that plagued Webby the most at the moment, as the 17-year old sat alone at a table, at another gala in Scrooge's honour hosted at the Duckburg museum, sipping on a glass of Coke, while her friends spent the night with their respectful other.

She watched as Dewey danced with Tyler, his newest boyfriend, both loving the attention they got from being in the middle of the dance floor, Lena stand off to the side, chatting with her girlfriend of 10-months, Jasmine, and finally, Huey and Violet, who while not officially a couple, but were basically one, sat a different table, more than likely discussing a topic that didn't interest Webby in the slightest.

Finishing her drink, she crossed the grand-ballroom in hopes of refilling her glass, only to stop mid-way through her journey when she heard a very familiar voice.

Pushing her way over to one of the centre tables, she spotted a familiar looking duck playing cards, with a bunch of older gentleman and two very beautiful and somewhat familiar women sitting on either side of him.

"Royal Flush." - He laughed, placing his cards on the table, showing his hand consisting of Ace, King, Queen, Jack and Ten of hearts.

"Another one?"

"What can I say beginners luck." - He shrugged, pulling the large bundle of poker chips over to his pile.

"Louie?" - Webby inquired, watching as her old friends eyes snapped towards her.

The teenager whispered something in each of his female companion's ears before turning to the people he was playing with. - "Hold my seat fellas, I'll be back in a minute." - Getting up from his chair, he picked up his empty glass, before leaving the table and gesturing for Webby to follow.

Louie effortlessly sauntered between the crowds of partygoers, while Webby awkwardly followed him. The two eventually reached the bar, which was practically empty.

Webby ordered first. - "Can I have a Coke."

"Cosmopolitan, please." - Louie followed.

"Can I see some ID."

Pulling his wallet from out his tux's inner pocket. He slipped his ID and handed it to the bartender, who after a second smiled and handed it back, before going off to make their drinks.

"So how've you been?" - He asked while pocketing his wallet.

"How have I been? Did you seriously just ask me that?"

Louie hesitated. - "Your look nice." - It was true, he liked the look of the salmon pink ballgown.

Webby sighed. - "It's been 7-months Louie. No one has heard from you in 7-months, the last time I saw you, you were sailing into the sunset with a boat full of pirate treasure and an ex-bodyguard" - Suddenly Webby remembered why one of those girls who accompanied him seemed so familiar. - "And now you're going to parties with her?"

"What do you want me to say? June's become quite an invaluable addition to the team."


"Right, you've only met Lucy. Well I work with a team."

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