5. Rooftop Scuffle.

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*Destiny has just hit 1k votes, I want to thank everyone who thought my story was good enough to vote.

 The two 17-year old thieves stared down 6-guards, after being caught attempting to steal a statue from a heavily guarded gallery, after their loot had been snatched out from under them. Some had drawn their batons, while others were wielding tasers. Two of them, were the guards Louie had pickpocketed earlier for generally being asses, luckily they didn't seem to recognise him.

"Wait a second..." - Louie said with fake realisation. - "This isn't our hotel."

"No it is not." - Maria smiled, joining in on the act.

The guards weren't having though. - "You think you're being funny?" - One spat, aiming his taser directly at Louie's chest.

"I think I'm being hilarious."

Another guard snarled. - "Do you know what I think is hilarious, the sight of you and your little girlfriend here being hauled off in chains."

"Now hold on a second. She's not my girlfriend." - Louie argued, earning a laugh from Maria.

"That's what you always say, and then in a week, we'll be back together."

"No, we're done for good." - He repeated. Earning another laugh.

"You always say this, but-"

"No, I'm serious, we're done fo-"

"Enough!" - A guard shouted. - "You two are going to jail, it doesn't matter if you're together or not!"

The two sighed. And Louie turned his head towards Maria. - "How do you wanna handle this?"

In the blink of an eye, the woman retrieved a smoke pellet from her utility belt and threw it at the ground, a large cloud of smoke enveloping the area, giving the two a chance to escape. They sprinted past the blinded guards into the hallway behind them, Louie could hear approaching guards and knew in the next 10-minutes, the two would be surrounded by the cities police.

Taking a sharp left, Louie motioned for Maria to follow, he was leading her back to the window he'd opened, when he first broke in.

Finding it, Louie clambered out on to the sill, raising his wrist, he fired his third grapple line of the night, which dug into the building, Louie had been waiting on just an hour or so ago. But before he could leap out and escape into the shadows, Maria spotted something on one of the other roofs.

"Look!" - Following her outstretched finger, Louie spotted the tentacle-masked freak who had swiped the Icarus idol from under him.

"Ari, leave it, we gotta get out of here."

Maria took another look at her rival, before turning to her Ex. - "Run if you want Lou, but I'm not leaving here empty handed." - Before Louie could argue with her, she had slipped through the little gap, he'd left in the window and scaled the drainpipe onto the roof.

Louie glanced at the building across the street, knowing he could still slip away, live to steal another day. - "Dammit Ari." - He muttered. Recalling the wire back into his gauntlet, before following her up onto the roof.

For a second he didn't see them, before spotting the two's silhouettes up on another roof, Maria hot on the mystery thief's tail.

He sprinted after them, leaping onto an air conditioning unit, and using the extra height it gave him to jump onto the higher roof. From his higher angle, he could see Maria just manage to catch up to their rival, kicking their legs out from under them.

Instead of tripping, like a normal person would, the crook displayed their superhuman flexibility by bending in a way which would be impossible for someone with bones. Before they landed on their left hand before cartwheeling back onto their feet.

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