14. Captive.

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 Louie's body ached. 

His eyes sprang open to evaluate his situation, only to immediately shut them, when the dim-light burning his retinas, slowly he reopened them, and took in his surroundings.

He was in a rectangular shaped room, with wood braced walls, straw covering the floor, and a light hanging from the ceiling. Craning his neck he managed to see two doors. One on either side of the room, and a barred window on either side of the remaining two walls, a window too small for Louie to crawl out of.

It was dark on the other side of the window, indicating that it was still night, but what night? Louie had no idea how long he had been unconscious, had it been a couple of hours, or a couple of days? He had no idea.

Every now and then, the room shook in a side-to-side motion, rattling the iron chains that kept the teen tethered to the floor by two pairs of shackles, one around his legs and one around his wrists. Thinking back, he remembered taking the dart to the neck, before collapsing. Suddenly things began to make sense, he was in train carriage, specifically a train carriage on the 'Circus' of Six's' personal train.

His eyes scanned the train-car, and when he saw no traces of listening-devices or security cameras, he decided that there was no better time to attempt an escape.

His body was in an uncomfortable position. The chains which kept him restrained, put both his arms and legs in awkward positions, but he'd been in worse situations. He manipulated himself into a better position, one where he could more easily access the lockpick pack hidden in one of the numerous inner packets of his jacket.

The second he managed to get the lockpicks out of his jacket, the door on the wall, furthest from Louie slid open, and Ringleader, Mystic and the Strongman entered. Noticing the escape-artist tools sitting just beside the chained thief, the crow just laughed.

"Trying to escape so soon?"

"What can I say? I'm not a fan of my accommodations." - He replied, a hint of spite bubbling into his words. 

Ringleader's smile widened. - "Strongman." - He commanded, pointing the end of his cane at the pack of picks sitting to Louie's side, the Hippo grunted in response, before lumbering over to the crook, and stepping on his metal tools, shattering them under his colossal foot.

"You are one scary dude." - Louie remarked in awe, before turning to the Mystic, noticing her sour expression. - "So, did you manage to kidnap Adams or not?"

The Mystic sneered. - "Unfortunately it seemed Miles Adams and his family left the Circus early." - She remarked, smoothing out the crinkles in her Romanian-style dress. 

The Cat was always Louie's least favourite of the circus troop, maybe it was how she was the oldest of the six criminals and their age created a clash between them, or maybe it was the the way she was always smoking a cigarette, or how she sort of reminded him of Magica De Spell if instead of being trained in real magic, she was trained in sideshow carny tricks. 

No matter how much he hated the situation he had put himself in, he was glad he helped get Miles Adams out of danger.

"However, we did catch you, and I would say you are a far greater prize than any billionaire." - She spat sadistically, while leaning in, allowing Louie to catch the scent of nicotine on her breath.

"Didn't think you cared so much."

 She leaned back. - "I don't." - She replied, before taking a drag from her cigarette holder. - "What I do care about, is watching the life drain from your eyes, while I stand over your bleeding body." - She described while grinning so widely her lips began to crack.

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