28. The Tale of Leo Galló, Pt.2

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Italy, 1999...

   After another two hours of climbing, the McDucks and Leo were close reaching the summit of the portion of mountain that the book had specified the entrance to the forgotten temple was situated. Which while nowhere near the hight of the highest point of the mountain range, was still quite far up.

As they pulled themselves up onto the ledge, Scrooge took a moment to check his notes once more, while the teenagers gathered up their climbing gear.

"Now if this book is correct, there should be a part of rock which has a mechanism built into it, which when activated should reveal a passage into the temple." - Reaching into his bag, he pulled out a collapsible shovel. - "Now it may take some time to find the trigger so we better start now."

"I don't think finding the mechanism will be a problem." - Donald muttered, peeking over the rock that sheltered them from the harsh winds.

"Why's that lad?" - Not taking his eyes off the book.

"Because it's already open."

"What?" - The Scotsman squawked, before leaping up and joining his nephew in looking over the rock, Della and Leo swiftly following. - "Blasted Goldie, she must have beaten us here."

Donald shook his head. - "I don't think it's Goldie down there."

Squinting, Scrooge saw what Donald did. - "Aye, I think you're right Lad."

On the other side of the flat hilltop that the group had climbed to, there seemed to be an small encampment, many black tents littered the ground, surrounding what looked to be a sinkhole- but it wasn't a natural sinkhole, it had been dug out with shovels and Scrooge quickly realised Donald was right. Whoever they were, they had found the entrance to the hidden temple.

The camp seemed abandoned but it wouldn't be for long, as two figures climbed out from the crevice. 

They were indistinguishable from one another, being similar in size and stature, wearing the same black-and-gold climbing gear, with dark snoods and googles covering their entire faces. They appeared to be professional climbers, but the stun-batons tucked into their belts told a different story.

"Who are they?" - Leo asked.


"Then who's their master?"

"I don't know." - Scrooge honestly answered. Reaching into the pocket of his coat, the richest duck in the world pulled forth a spyglass. 

Once he had unlocked it and pulled it to its full length, he put it up to his eye.

Apart from the various tents- all of which seemed to be 'DCamp' tents, the most expensive brand on the market- there were also many massive black trunks, near the south of the camp. How they had gotten them to the top of the mountain, Scrooge didn't know...

What he did know however, was that he knew he recognised the symbol that was stamped on the lid of the boxes: A three-pronged crown, between a pair of wings.

Racking his brain, the Scotsman remembered where he had seen it before. - "Prince Packaging!"

"Prince Packaging?" - Donald echoed, as Della felt her stomach drop. - "As in the delivery company?"

"Aye. Their blasted CEO has been trying to buy the aviation division of McDuck Enterprises for years." - He turned to Leo. - "If you want to stay back Lad, I'd understand. This has gotten much more dangerous that I'd first expected."

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