12. Nearing Greatness.

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*I've began noticing the amount of new followers I'm getting, and I just want to thank everyone who has read this story and decided that it was a good enough for me to follow me, if you have read these stories, enjoyed them and haven't followed me, I'd be so thankful if you decided to. I am so close to a hundred followers, and I'm excited to cross that boundary. Anyway, on to the story.*

Cyrus took a long drag of his cigarette, as stared out into the sun setting in the horizon, from his position, he could see the entirety of the city of Arad, Romania, but his eyes drifted downwards, more interested in watching the ash from his smoke, slowly descended into the street below.

"You okay man?" - His partner, Evan Isiah, asked.

Cyrus glanced at the lion, who was a mere year younger than him. - "I'm fine."

The lion nodded, knowing that he was going to get him to open up. - "Cool... So, how's your boy doing?" - He questioned, hoping to change the subject.

"He's doing fine." - He blew out a ring of smoke. - "How's yours?"

Evan chuckled. - "I know you're confident your picks going to win and all, but I'm telling you, if it comes down to it, my thief will smoke him."

"Not going to happen." - The Italian said calmly.

"And why's that?"

"Louie's charismatic, ambitious, observant and intelligent, he'll face any challenge you throw at him and overcome it." - Cyrus answered, flicking the nub of his cigarette away from him.

"Louie?" - Evan repeated. - "That's got to be the first time, I've ever heard you call a candidate something other than 'my pick' or 'them'."


"So? You're getting attached to the kid!"

"Am not."

"Are two." - The taller man argued. - "And we both know, that getting attached in this line of work, doesn't end well." - Cyrus didn't reply to the comment, spurring Evan to persist with his advice. - "Remember the last person you got attached to? That Italian heiress?"

The thief smiled at the memory. - "She was American." - He corrected. - "I just met her in Italy."

"Still," - He continued. - "Your mission was to just get close enough to her, that she would let you in the fortress that her family called a home, and what did you do? You fell in love with her, spent a year travelling the world with her... And then what happened?"

"The guild ordered me to fulfil my mission, or receive punishment." - Cyrus sighed.

"Then what happened?"

"I followed my orders, and completed the mission."

"And when was the last time you saw the 'love of your life'?"

"Eighteen years, next month." - He admitted, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a red crinkled packet, full cigarettes, they were his preferred brand, Padre, they were made on a small island in Columbia, which belonging to a drug lord. He'd done some work for, maybe a decade back.

He placed one in his mouth, and lit it, with a silver lighter, engraved with the guild's six-fingered logo, a gift for two decades of service to the league.

He blew out a puff of smoke. - "We should continue with the mission." - The two were here to steal an artifact from a museum, a dagger once belonging to Vlad Dracula. He knew it was risky to smoke at the scene of a robbery, but only lesser thieves got caught from leaving DNA evidence, he was the Spectre, number 1 on Interpol's white collar division's most wanted, for the past fifteen years.

He unclipped a grapple hook from his belt, it was simple, a piece of curved metal attached to a length of strong rope, it was old fashioned, but so was he. He tossed it to the building opposite, making sure it was secure, before fastening the other end to an ice hook, he'd screwed into the wall above him.

He clipped on a zip-line hook, and along with his partner descended on to the roof.

By morning the Museum would contact the police, but they were too late, the dagger was gone, the only trace of the perpetrator, a simple spray-painted ghost on the wall.


Across the World, Louie was getting ready to preform a bit of heist prep.

His next target was the jewel incrusted crown, which once belonged to Sir Samuel Lambert, a crusader, who tried to instate a coup, and oust King Phillip II, who, during the crusade reigned over France, and replace the King with himself. Though the plan failed, and Lambert was executed for his endeavour's, he was so sure that it was going to succeed, that he had a crown custom made for himself, which ultimately was useless.

Though it was valuable, and the acquisition, would provide a good boost to Louie's campaign.

The crown was rumoured to be located in a manor belonging to Polish politician, Lennox Mazur. The Donkey came from old money, and his Father, Arthur Mazur, successful politician in his own right, and known to be involved in numerous shady dealings.

Apart from his career, Lennox was also known to have an expansive but private collection of priceless artefacts.

Louie watched him, he was apparently being groomed for the position of Prime-Minister, even though, in Louie's opinion, he didn't have the qualities that made a good leader. The man was meek, quiet and unassertive. How he gotten this far, the thief didn't know.

Another well known fact, Lennox was very hesitant to take risks, meaning he was very able to track, as every Monday at 2pm, rain or shine, he'd been at the local park, eating his lunch, consisting of a cheese and ham sandwich, blueberry yogurt, and a small coffee.

Louie pretended to read a book, as he sat on a bench, a few metres away from Lennox.

Though he was accompanied by a vey intimidating looking bodyguard, Louie luckily didn't have to actually confront Lennox to get what he needed, he just needed to get within five feet of him.

Louie discretely checked his phone, and the app he had open, had a very clear message: Not In Range.

The teen closed his book and switched benches, choosing one closer to the politician. When the bodyguard noticed this change, Louie just gave him a shrug.

"Better lighting." - He remarked, his still boyish looks, helping lull the guard into a false sense of security.

Louie read the same sentence over and over again, waiting for the indication, that the app had completed it's job, after two minutes or so, his phone beeped, and Louie pulled from out of his jacket. A new message was displayed on the screen. - "Scan Complete."

Repocketed his phone, wearing a small smile. He closed his book, and left the park. Getting into his rental car, he sped along the streets of Lublin.

He was almost ready to complete the heist which would grant him access to the greatest criminal society in history.

Thanks for reading Ch.12 of 'Legacy', I hope you enjoyed, and also hope you comment, vote, follow me and read Ch.13 -MM

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