11. Growing Tension.

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 Lucy could hear Tommy pacing back and forth, even over the sound of the welding-torch and the searing metal, eventually she had had enough, switching off the apparatus, she rolled out from under the surveillance van, ripping off the welding mask.

"You know if you keep pacing like that, you'll burn a track in the floor."

"It helps keep me calm." - The ever worrisome bulldog replied, continuing to pace.

Pushing herself off the wheelie board she was using to go under the van, she began moving the tools back over to their spot. - "What are you so worried about?" - She questioned, easily lifting the heavy gas cannister onto a shelf.

"What am I so worried about?" - Tommy replied, in a doubtful tone. - "It's Two-pm, I don't know if you've noticed, but Louie is suspiciously absent!"

"So?" - June joined the conversation, relaxing on the workshop's sofa, reading a magazine. - "It's the first time I've ever scene the dude take a day off, he's probably just sleeping in."

"I know you haven't been here long, but Louie doesn't do days off." - Tommy, ever the worrier snapped.

"Yeah, he's sort of obsessed." - Lucy agreed.

"So it's weird that he's not here, especially after his family visited yesterday."

"Do you think they kidnapped him?"

June flipped her magazine to the next page. - "Nah, they seemed to be on good terms, they were a lot more overbearing a couple months back."

"So if he hasn't been kidnapped. Why is he late?"

On cue, the side door opened, and Louie walked in. He was carrying four cups of coffee, and a bags of muffins. - "Good morning everyone."

"Morning? It's half-three!"

Louie stopped, and checked his phone. - "So it is." - He answered, a goofy smile on his face, which didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the team.

"Oh, I've seen that face before. It's the one you wear after you've spent time with one of your lady friends." - Lucy teased, turning Louie's smile from goofy to bashful.

He placed down the coffee and muffins. - "I may have been."

"So who was it?" - Tommy asked, a smile growing on his face.

"I'm not one to kiss and tell." - Louie chimed, causing the smiles on his friends faces to fall. - "What?"

"You've got a lot of good traits, Lou, but modest isn't one of them-"

"So that means that either you're lying about spending some time with a girl, or it's someone we wouldn't or already don't like." - June interrupted, completing Tommy's thought.

"Look just because I don't tell you her name, doesn't mean it's because you wont like her."

"That's exactly the reason." - Amelia announced, entering the room, a box of wires in her arms. - "You went out with Maria last night."

Tommy and Lucy's somehow fell further, while June just looked confused.

"Is Maria his ex?" - She whispered to Tommy, earning a nod in confirmation, her face also shifting into a grimace.

"Oh come on, she's not that bad!"

"Lou, do you remember the reason you broke up with her?" - Tommy questioned, placing his hand on his friends shoulder. - "It was because you two were so competitive, and kept trying to one up each other, that your plans became more and more risky, and it became inevitable that someone got hurt... and guess what happened? Someone did."

"That was years ago, we've both matured since then!"

"You almost paralyzed a security guard!" - Amelia snapped, surprising everyone in the room. - "She's a bad influence Louie, we're just looking out for you."

Sighing, Louie leaned against the team's surveillance truck, and ran his hand through his head feathers. - "Maybe you're right," - He murmured. - "Maybe I shouldn't get back together with her, but like it or not I have to work with her."

There was a series of 'You don't have to', 'You can't' and 'You shouldn't', but Louie brushed their comments off.

"I have to!" - He reaffirmed.

"Why?" - Tommy questioned, asking the question that was at the forefront of everyone's mind.

Louie hesitated. - "I can't tell you."

The team collectively scowled, and Louie had to turn away in shame. - "Another secret, Louie?" 

"Yeah, I'm sorry."

"What happened to 'No more secrets' between the gang?" - Lucy asked, folding her arms across her chest.

"I get it, I messed up right, I'm sorry."

"If you were truly sorry, you would tell us what you're keeping from us."

Louie opened his mouth, but quickly closed it. - "I can't."

"Can't or won't?" - June spat.

"Can't. I literally can't." - He insisted, before pausing. - "But I can tell you this, it will make any of us richer than our wildest dreams."

"You said that about the Kovax treasure hunt, and we barely managed to break even."

"Look I know I've messed up in the past, but I assure you that my latest escapade is big."

Amelia rolled her eyes. - "Yeah, you're latest escapade, emphasis on your! As we don't have a clue what's going on."

Louie began racking his mind, on what the letter said he could and could not say about the guild and his invitation. Though it was extremely detailed about what could result in a termination from the gang of thieves.

"How about this," - Louie began, ready to start one of his world famous speeches. - "At the moment we're small time, we're nobodies on the world stage. We're making decent money, but we could be making more. And this opportunity we've got will make us household names." - He spoke, hyping himself up, along with the team. - "So who's ready to go big time?"

Lucy scoffed. - "Household name?" - She repeated, unsure of what she heard. - "You can't be serious."

"I'm one hundred percent serious."

"Does your vanity have no limits?" - Tommy spluttered out.

Louie swallowed. - "No, I don't think it does." - He smiled. - "But that's what makes me the best thief the world will ever see. I know what I want, and I'm not afraid to take it."

"This ambition of yours is going to get you killed one day."

"Well then, up until that point, I might as well embrace it, live my life to the fullest." - He smirked. - "Who's with me?"

The group hesitated. Before June spoke up. - "If we're making money, I'm in."

"Ah, hell." - Tommy said, rubbing the back of his neck. - "As long as you've got our back, we've got yours."

"Alright." - Louie smiled, the two boys of the team fist-bumping.

Lucy shrugged. - "I'm in." - Also fist-bumping Louie.

"Amelia?" - Louie asked, looking her way.

She sighed. - "Someone's got to keep you guys out of getting into too much trouble."

"Yeah." - Louie cheered, clamming. - "Now let's get to back, we have a heist to carry out, after all."

Thanks for reading Ch.11 of 'Legacy', this chapter was extremely focused on dialog, but I think it was needed to show the increasing strain between Louie and his friends. I hope you enjoyed, and also hope you comment, vote, follow me and read Ch.12 - MM

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