27. The Tale of Leo Galló, Pt.1

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Italy 1999...

   The ice-pick in Leo's right-hand dug into the icy rock above him- once he was sure it was secure, he then used it to pull himself up as far as he could, before using the pick in his other hand to repeat the motion. 

The group were about half-way up the mountain, with the young Italian taking the lead and using his impressive knowledge of the Alps, as well as his equally impressive climbing skills to guide them further and further up the ridge at a record pace.

Below Leo, but connected to the same stretch of climbing rope, was Della, then Donald and finally Scrooge. 

They all watched as the teen reached the top of the precipice and pulled himself up onto it. He disappeared from view for a second, before calling out to them.

"Come on up!"

Using their lead's hand and foot holds, the three ducks pulled themselves up onto a moderately flat portion of the mountain. A large overhang from a cliff provided shelter from the ever-worsening storm and a section of cave provided a patch of snow-free stone.

Unclipping himself from the connector rope, Leo entered into the cave. - "We'll make camp here tonight," - He announced as he pulled his backpack off and opened it. - "It's too dangerous to climb any higher with the sun setting."

Scrooge examined the cave with clear scepticism. - "Are you sure Lad? It doesn't seem too stable."

 "It's fine." - Leo reassured, as he searched his bag. - "I've camped here lots of times, I even carved my initials into some rock over there." - He muttered, gesturing over to a far portion of the wall where indeed the letters L.G were scrawled into the stone.

Setting down a strange black and silver, small holed pot, Leo began to fill it with pellets from a small waterproof sack.

 "What's that?" - Della questioned, taking a seat beside her new friend.

"A campfire." - He answered, as he reached into his coat pockets, looking for his lighter. - "I thought you guys were adventurers?"

Donald scoffed. - "We are, it's just Uncle Scrooge prefers to 'rough it'," - He muttered, making air quotes with his fingers. - "You know make our own fires and stuff."

"Making your own fires is cool, but when all the wood is either frozen or the only thing stopping a cave-in, then you realise bringing your own campfire is helpful." - Once he'd set some water up to boil, he reached back into his bag and pulled a few ration packets out. - "MRE?" - He offered. Both twins took one, but Scrooge refused. - "Your really should, it's dangerous to climb on an empty stomach."

Relenting and taking the meal packet, Scrooge took a seat at the opposite end of the campfire. - "I'm surprised your parents let you climb the mountain." - He admitted, - "But if you're a professional, I guess they're use to it by now."

The teen took the now hot water and poured it into his pack. - "Actually I'm an orphan." - He said, before handing the rest of the water to Donald who was sitting beside him.

"Oh. How long..?"

The teen shrugged, his eyes locked to the fire. - "I'm not sure. I was raised by the nuns in the local monastery since I was a Hatchling. Never knew my parents." - He shook his head and looked back up. - "Sorry for dumping that on you."

"It's no problem."

"Our parents are actually not around either." - Della admitted, stirring her unappetising-looking spaghetti with her spoon. - "They passed when we were young... Car-crash."

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