13. Down Time.

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*I'm back! I'm sorry for the break between chapters, it was longer than originally planned, since the plan was to take maybe a week off while I readjusted to school, but literally on the second day of school, I caught Covid, and I spend a week and a half, feeling like I was going to die, but I'm better now! So expect more chapters in the future!*

 It was quarter-past eleven in New York city, and Tommy Sheldon, had been awake for all of twenty minutes, and  in the middle of cooking breakfast, when he heard the sounds of his specialised printer finishing it's latest project.

He turned down the heat of his stove, in an effort to avoid the slim chance something managed to catch fire in the minute or so, he was away from his crackling bacon, and entered into his office. 

The room was a box, four walls, no windows, one door and covered in tech, perfect for anonymously producing counterfeit credentials, such as birth certificate, ID tags and most importantly, passports. The teen picked up the multiple laminated document sheets from the tray of the device, and began examining them.

The forged passport, were under the name, Terrence Olsen, and had an accompanying phony picture of Louie, with a pair of glasses, coloured contacts, and a dark wig. It had to have been the eleventh or twelfth fake passport, Tommy had made for Louie, and as much as he hated to admit it; He did not take a bad photo.

Stapling the many pages together and slapping on the navy covering, Tommy's copy, was now indistinguishable from an actual passport issued by a Government office.

Tossing it into his satchel bag, alongside his laptop, and numerous other documents that came in handy in his day-to-day life. Before snatching up the three strips of bacon, and heading out the door.

Call him paranoid, but Tommy had seriously updated his apartment's security after the situation with Matthew Kovax, the Billionaire orphan had convinced Louie to take him to Amelia's workshop, and even though he had all of his money seized and accounts frozen, and was being held in a maximum security prison, the forger had worries that Matthew would send someone to take revenge on the gang.

So what originally consisted of a single deadbolt and a double glazed windows, now included three different locks on a reinforced steel door, bullet-proof glass windows, secured with iron bars, and a specially designed security system, that even Louie would have trouble with.

Descending the stairs from the second floor, Tommy exited out the building through a side-door, putting him on a path, that put him just a ten minute walk away from Amelia's workshop.

As he trudged down the street, bobbing his head to the sound of the music blaring out of his earphones, his mind was preoccupied. Lately, things had been weird within his friend group, now Tommy would describe himself as a social butterfly. He found it easy to make friends... in his line of work though: Selling stolen goods and forging documents, he found it hard to keep them.

So, Tommy thought himself lucky that he'd managed to keep a stable gang of friends. Though all those friends happened to be criminals, was of no mind to him.

For the past eight months, his relationship with one of his friends had been strained. Louie, arguably, his friend group's leader, had seemingly been keeping secrets from everyone else... which wasn't the first time he'd done something of the like.

'What Louie needs is a reminder that we're his friends.' - The teen thought, as he noticed a brand new poster, stuck to the window of a small bistro as he walked by. - 'And now I have the perfect way to do that.'


"So you're not even going to tell me, where we're going?" - Louie questioned, leaning forward in his seat, only to be pushed back by Amelia, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the surveillance van.

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