7. Coincidental Confrontation.

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 New York City. AKA the Big Apple, home to many of the greatest monuments on Earth, including The Statue of Liberty, Central Park and the most expansive book collection in the northern hemisphere: The Archibald Library. It was the place Scrooge went when he needed a book that wasn't in his own collection, which was rare. As such he hadn't been in about a decade, and as it was a special occasion, he decided to bring his family along.

The McDucks marvelled at the architecture of the city that never sleeps, their expeditions usually took them to areas where civilisation was scarce or in some cases, completely abandoned. So it was nice change to go to a city as sprawling as New York.

Dewey who was less interested in whatever book or information Scrooge was after, so he treated the trip like a vacation, taking pictures where ever they went and constantly asking whether or not they could take a trip to the Broadway Theatre and maybe catch a show.

"Here we are kids!" - Scrooge exclaimed, stopping outside of the large modern building that consisting of polished glass panes and shiny steel beams. It wasn't a pretty sight, but it did it's purpose.

"I thought you said this was one of the oldest library's in America?" - Webby questioned. - "This looks like it's brand new."

"Yeah, I remember it being a lot more... old, when we went here when we were kids, Uncle Scrooge."

"Well the Archibald Library burned down in 2005, it only reopened recently." - Huey explained, remembering what he read on the plane ride here.

The five McDucks climbed the steps up to the front doors of the building, which automatically slid open when they approached, giving them a view of the interior.


The inside was nothing like the outside, the furniture wasn't modern, the carpet looked old, and old dusty books filled wooden bookshelves which sat wall to wall, it was almost mystical how it expanded past the reaches of the exterior, like it was bigger inside like outside.

"Now, this is what I remember." - Della acknowledged.

Scrooge lead the group over to the library's circulation desk, where a short elderly female duck, wearing a pair of the thickest glasses any of them had ever scene, sat and did the crossword in the newspaper.

"Hello, we're looking for a book." - Scrooge began. - "And we wanted to know where it specifically would be." - Knowing that without precise knowledge, it could take days to find a certain book. - "Uh. Hello?" - He repeated, when she didn't respond. He noticed a sign beside the woman:

Ring the bell for response.

The Scotsman reached forward and rung the stained bronze bell. Instead of ringing, it made a quiet squeak, which while quieter than Scrooge's voice, somehow caught the women's attention.

"Hello there, what do you need?" - She asked, in a sweet grandmotherly tone.

"Hello. We're looki-"

"Speak louder, I'm hard of hearing."

"We're lookin' for a book." - Scrooge repeated, slightly louder than before.

"I know that." - She replied in a deadpan tone. - "This is a library not a pastry store, I need to know type of book you're looking for."

"Uh right," - Scrooge rubbed the back of his neck. - "We're lookin' for information on Sir Samuel Lambert, he was a French crusad-"

"Yeah I know who Sir Samuel Lambert. In fact you're the second person whose came here looking for information about him."

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