21. Castle Mazur.

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   It had taken three days of non-stop planning and then an impromptu 12-hour flight, but it seemed like everything had gotten back on track, as Louie and his team hauled up their luggage filled with equipment into the hotel room that would act as their base of operations for the next 72-hours, Louie breathed a sigh of relief.

"You okay Louie?" - Lucy questioned, gently placing a case filled with Amelia's electrical equipment down.

"I'm fine." - He answered, flashing her his signature smirk. - "Just glad to be back."

June dropped a container containing something heavy, evident by the loud thud it made when it hit the ground. - "You're calm for someone who is hours away from invading 'Fort Lennox'."

"Why should I worry? Life's too short for it."

"No, Louie." - Amelia chastised. - "You should be worried. The Lennox Compound is an extraordinarily risky target. It makes Fort Knox looks like a Funsos."

 Louie tutted. - "Don't knock Funsos' security. Landed me in the local jail when I was thirteen."

"I thought you said you'd never been caught before Spain?"

"Louie Gold may have only one incident on his rap-sheet, but Louie Duck has one a mile long, luckily, having a rich famous relative makes it so that the crime never happened." - The thief remarked, turning to meet Tommy.

Maria entered the hotel room, carrying her own suitcases. - "So, you haven't always been the master escape artist that you've claimed?"

"To be fair, I've always been slippery, I got away with a lot as a kid. The only times I got caught was when the McDucks dragged me into something that I knew was stupid." - He shot back. - "Anyway, that's enough talking about my history, we have seven-hours till we enact one of the most dangerous heists we've ever planned."

The other five teenagers gathered around the Duck, as he begun one of his famous motivational speeches. Noticing their undivided attention, he stood upon the Hotel room's coffee table, revelling in their captivation.

"But we will pull it off, and it will be perfect." - He insisted, gesturing as he did so. - "It will make us big, bigger then big, and wealthy beyond our wildest dreams."

Maria laughed. - "It sounds like you're gearing up for a celebration Lou. Don't get cocky now."

"Can't help it, part of my charm." - He shot back, stepping down from the table, earning a giggle from Maria.

Amelia, Lucy, Tommy and June watched the two flirt, with reactions ranging from discomfort to disgust. It kept going until June cleared her throat.

"Shouldn't we be getting ready?"

Louie nodded, taking a step back from Maria. - "Okay than... Amelia, I need you to do a final check on all equipment Maria and I will be using, I want there to be zero percent chance that anything fails. Lucy, go make sure that the escape car and the utility van are both fuelled up and ready to drive." - He spun to meet Tommy and June. - "Tommy contact the buyers and make sure that our false documents are in order, I wanna be flying out of this country before the Cops even get called. June, surveillance. Make sure there are no surprises for us. Everybody understand?"

"What about you and Maria?" - Lucy questioned, raising her hand.

"We will be going over the plan, escape routes, rendezvous points. We all know that the Lennox Compound is outfitted with communication jammers to prevent bugs working. We will have no outside support."

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