29. The Tale of Leo Galló, Pt.3

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Italy, 1999...

   Goldie was not in a good situation.

Her day had started out good- a first class flight from her home city of Dawson, to the region of Tuscany, during which she enjoyed a light breakfast of fine Italian meats and cheeses on a charcutier board, alongside a single glass of expensive wine.

Then she had gotten a private car to the Cittá di collina, arriving a full hour before Scrooge and his broods were destined to. A full hour she had spent pursuing the small shopping district and enjoying a delicious cup of coffee at a local café. Then her old flame had arrived and she had enjoyed watching him from a distance, performing just enough reconnaissance to get a peak of the book he had his beak buried in. It seemed rumours were true, he did have the 'Liber Thesaurorum'.

She had followed the group up the mountain, watching as the four scaled the perilous cliff-face. She didn't know why Scroogie didn't invest in a grapnel-gun like she had, it had made the process so much simpler.

The two of them had talked on the mountain for a while. It was nice. It was also nice taking with his niece, as well as the guide they had hired. The boy was smart, she could see herself in him.

Then it had all gone wrong...

She'd reached the summit before Scrooge, but not before Duke and his cronies. They were still setting up camp when she'd arrived, so it hadn't been hard to sneak into the temple between them digging the entrance free and them designating where to place tents.

However, she failed to account for the small group of men tha Prince had sent to scout ahead, who she ran into as she was exploring the frozen hallways.

They'd only managed to capture her alive, because they had surprised her. Even so, she'd managed to break one's nose and another's wrist before they'd taken her down.

It was situations like this, that made her regret working solo.

Currently, she was strapped to the base of a shattered pillar with strong climbing rope, courtesy of the mad postal king, Duke Prince, who was currently ordering around his staff like they were nothing more than toy soldiers, while his bodyguard kept an eye on her.

Though they had taken all of her tools, they hadn't broken her spirit.

Carefully, she began to move the rope up-and-down, in hopes that the jagged edge of the chiselled rock she was strapped to would create enough friction to free her.

"So, Prince. How did you learn about the Storm-Maker?" - She questioned, hoping to distract everyone from her escape attempt.

The smug Rabbit turned to face her. - "I'm guessing the same way you found out about it."

"You bugged Scrooge McDuck's phone?"

Prince shrugged. - "Corporate spy."

"You implanted a corporate spy in McDuck Enterprises?"

"IS THAT SO SURPRISING?" - He snapped out of nowhere, close to snarling at her. - "DO YOU THINK I'M SOME SORT OF IDIOT OF SOMETHING?" - He quieted down. - "Everybody always assumes I'm an idiot."

Goldie shook her head, of course she had to get captured by one of the crazy, close to a breakdown, evil billionaires and not one of the dumb, easily manipulated, Glomgold type, evil billionaires. - "No, no. Of course not... I just know Scrooge and how paranoid he is. I'm surprised that anybody could get a spy into one of his companies without him knowing about it."

Prince smoothed down the wrinkles that had formed on his snowsuit during his outburst and fixed the tuft of head fur that was sticking out from the rest of his perfectly gelled hair.

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