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Name: Y/n Grayson

Alias: Spider-Man

Other aliases (nicknames): not so flying Grayson. Boy Blunder, Robin, web head,

Relatives: Dick Grayson (father), Koriand'r (mother), Jason Todd (Adopted uncle), Tim Drake (Adopted Uncle), Damian Wayne (Adoptive Uncle), Melinda Zucco (Paternal Aunt [look it up]), Bruce Wayne (Adoptive Grandfather), Komand'r (maternal Aunt), Mary Grayson II (younger twin sister), John Grayson (paternal grandfather; deceased), Mary Grayson I (paternal grandmother; deceased), William Cobb (Great great Grandfather)

Affiliation: Bat Family

Base of operations: Forest hills, Queens, New York

Identity: Secret Identity

Occupation: student, Vigilante, and photographer


(Ignore the web bag)

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(Ignore the web bag)

Wall crawling [quote]: Spider-Man's exposure to the mutated spider venom induced a mutagenic, cerebellum-wide alteration of his engrams resulting in the ability to mentally control the flux of interatomic attraction (electrostatic force) between molecular boundary layers. This overcomes the outer electron shell's normal behavior of mutual repulsion with other outer electron shells and permits the tremendous potential for electron attraction to prevail. The mentally controlled sub-atomic particle responsible for this has yet to be identified. This ability to affect the attraction between surfaces is so far limited to Spider-Man's body (especially concentrated in his hands and feet) and another object, with an upper limit of several tons per finger.

Superhuman strength: Due to having the proportional strength of a spider he can lift up to ten tons, but this limit can be increased temporarily in periods of great stress. This strength also extends to his legs allowing him to jump to great heights.

Superhuman speed: while not a speedster he is far faster than the finest human athlete. He can catch up to a speeding car on foot and can be seen as a blur on occasion.

Superhuman stamina: his body produces fewer fatigue toxins allowing him to exert himself for several hours at peak performance several hours without being impaired by fatigue.

Superhuman durability: his body is far more durability than any humans. He can survive certain things that would kill a normal person and experience little to no discomfort. He softens his body so that people without powers or similar strength and durability as him don't break their hand against him.

Superhuman agility: his agility, balance, and bodily coordination are all enhanced to levels far beyond that of the finest human athlete.

Regenerative healing factor: he can heal a broken bone overnight. He can't heal missing limbs or organs however.

Enhanced immune system: due to his accelerated metabolism, he has a higher tolerance for drugs and diseases than normal humans, and can recover quickly from the effects of larger doses rapidly. However this has no effect on alcohol he has normal human tolerance when it comes to that.

Superhuman equilibrium: he possesses the ability to achieve a state of perfect equilibrium in any position imaginable. He seems able to adjust his position by instinct, which enables him to balance himself on virtually any object, no matter how small or narrow.

Superhuman reflexes: his reflexes are 40 times greater then that of a normal human.

Spider sense [quote]: Spider-Man possesses a precognitive danger or "spider" sense which warns him of potential or immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull, and links with his superhuman kinesthetics, enabling him to evade most any injuries unless he cognitively overrides his automatic reflexes. The precise nature of this sense is unknown, though the Master Weaver states it is enabled by his connection to the Web of Life and Destiny. It appears to be a simultaneous clairvoyant response to a wide variety of phenomena (everything from falling safes to speeding bullets to thrown punches), which has given several hundredths of a second warning, which is sufficient time for his reflexes to allow him to avoid injury. The sense also can create a general response on the order of several minutes: he cannot discern the nature of the threat by the sensation. He can, however, discern the severity of the danger by the strength of his response to it. Spider-Man's spider-sense is directional and can guide him to or away from hidden weapons and enemies. Sudden and extreme threats can cause his spider-sense to react with painful intensity. Spider-Man can also sense and dodge attacks directed randomly or by artificial intelligence. Using his spider-sense to time his enhanced reflexes, Spider-Man can casually dodge attacks up to and including automatic-weapons fire, provided there is sufficient distance. His spider-sense is sufficiently well-linked to his reflexes to the point that a threat can trigger them even when Spider-Man is asleep or stunned. His spider-sense has helped him preserve his secret identity since it alerts him to observers or cameras when changing into or out of his costume. The spider-sense does react to those who Peter does not consider to be a threat, such as Aunt May, or when a fellow hero makes a bluff while playing poker. Spider-Man can choose to ignore his spider-sense, and distraction or fatigue diminishes its effectiveness. Spider-Man's fighting style incorporates the advantage that his "spider-sense" provides him. His body begins to produce more adrenaline after the sense is triggered, an extension of the 'fight or flight syndrome.' Even when he does not have the use of his eyes, Spider-Man can still use his Spider-Sense in a similar fashion to Daredevil's Radar Sense to help him see by sensing the direction the danger is coming from by listening on the loudest noise around him.
• Radio Frequency detection: his spider sense also allows him to track certain radio frequencies.

Genius level intellect: he was born with a naturally high learning aptitude and knowledge of science. He stands out as a top student in all of his classes and has hacked into the batcave's systems on more than one occasion just to screw with Damian.
•Tactical analysis
•forensic science

Indomitable will

Medical sciences

Artistry: he learned how to draw well so he could draw up schematics or just to put police sketch artists to shame whatever he feels like in the given moment.

Skilled photographer: he is very skilled photographer having taken photos for the school paper ever since there was one.

Intimidation: He was trained by Batman and Bruce Wayne in how to scare the shit out of criminals, so needless to say he's good at scaring people if he has to.

Skilled acrobat: having received training from both his father and Damian in acrobatics he is one of the best acrobats in the world even before he got his powers.

Investigation: he is a prodigy detective that figured out his father was a superhero when he was 8 and has since made a game out of figuring out heroes identities.

Martial arts: having been a robin at one point he has been trained in multiple forms of martial arts including (but not limited to): Boxing, Eskrima, Ninjutsu, stick fighting, kick boxing and TaeKwondo. he is the most proficient in boxing and kick boxing.

Multilingual: on top of English he can also speak Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Japanese, German, and Russian (the last one so he is aware when a certain Russian villain is in town so he doesn't get the Ric Grayson treatment or Ric Rolled as him and Jason call it)


Ethyl Chloride: he is susceptible to this pesticide as a side effect to his powers. However it takes a lot of this to kill him. He describes the pain of this as it feels like his skin is boiling.

Bad luck: He is essentially a walking bad luck charm.

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