Chapter 10: Originized Crime

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Evening 3rd person POV

A man is in a parking lot with a crowbar and used it to get the door open.

When he got in and closed the door he was greeted with a, "you know, if you're gonna steal a car don't dress like a criminal."

Thief: who are you?! You a cop!?

Spider-man: Really, is the man is in a skin tight red and blue suit a cop?

The thief tried to get out, but Spider-Man closed the door with his webbing every time so he fell of out the window. When he got out the spider was gone.



I came from no where and dropkicked him against the wall and he said, "back the hell off!"

He pulled out a... very small knife.

I got down on my knees and said, "oh no... i-is that a knife?!"

Thug: yeah it is! And-

"My one weakness very tiny knives."

The thug was about to say something but I webbed his knife hand to the wall behind him. Then the other hand and his balls... mainly for fun. Then (almost) completely webbed him up.

I started to laugh at him as he was screaming in terror for help.

Thug: this isn't funny.

"it's kinda funny. I mean you had such a big bark but when comes down to it a man without a jaw and teeth has a better bite than you."

I slammed my hand beside his head and said, "now you are Anthony Smith correct?"

Anthony: m-maybe.

"Good then you work for hammerhead. Who is he?"

Anthony: I-I don't know man.

I took his out out of the webbing and said, "Anthony don't make me break something I don't wanna break."

Anthony: I swear I don't know who he-

I then dislocated a finger and said, "the truth now."

Anthony: I swear I don't know! Nobody does! All we know is he has a metal plate in his head and he pays well.

"How do you get alerted?"

???: hey we're all set over here for deal, but we could use a few more guys just in case things go south.

I grabbed the radio and knocked out Anthony. I mimicked his voice and said, "yeah I'm on my way, where's the deal going down?"

Radio: where do ya think? Willis' Textiles, dumbass.

I ripped out the transceiver and pocketed it.

Willis' Textiles

I got into the building through the vent and crawled onto the ceiling.

I saw that they were involved with gunrunning... oh I got joke lined up for this one.

Thug1: hey where's that backup?

Thug2: don't know, guess they're running late.

9 guys all armed, this might be a good warm up.

Head honcho: Shut up you two!

Oh... you're last... wait, what the hell are these guns? Whatever I'll take care of them first then I'll investigate the guns.

One guy was below me so I web pulled him up and webbed him up in a cocoon attached to one of the rafters, I dropped down and chocked out another guy and webbed him to a wall, after that I knocked out another guy and webbed him to the ground.

Three down, six more to go.

I jumped onto a wall and as one guy turned a corner I slammed him into the wall and webbed him to it.

I jumped onto on of the rafters and saw three guys turn the corner so I webbed all three of them to each other, pulled them up to the rafters, knocked them out, and attached them to the rafter.

Two more before the head honcho.

Again however they were together and so I slammed their heads into each other.

I jumped up to the ceiling and yelled in a mocking tone, "hey boss take a look at this idiot!"

Head honcho: stop screwing aroun-... what the hell?!

I dropped down behind him and said, "ah there you are. You see I've been meaning to speak to you... you see none of your employees were able to answer my question. So do you apply the guns track suits yourself or do I have to supply it myself... wait I think I've made a mistake about what gun running is."

The guy then tried to shoot me, but I twisted the gun out of his hand and webbed him to a wall.

"Now sit tight, while I check to see if your operation is up to code."

I checked out the guns and... oh my god! This is some future type crap.

I walked over and said, "so where'd you get these babies?"

Top goon: I ain't saying shit!

"Fine suit yourself..."

I proceeded to apply pressure to his wrist not enough to break it, but enough.

"If you don't talk I'll break every bone in your body if I have too, starting here."

Goon: okay OKAY! Some guy named the Tinkerer sells the stuff to us and then we sell it back to the community double the price.

"Where can I find this Tinkerer?"

Goon: I don't know he normally has some goon of his do the sales for him and the location's always different! That's all I know I swear!


I woke up and lazily got out of bed.

I put on the glasses and said, "Lyla open new case file, file name... Tinkerer of Terror."

Lyla: is that a reference of some kind?

"Yeah... I had a lot of free time in the past four years okay!"

Then all of a sudden I got a call and I saw it was from... Gotham General Hospital? Why would they call?

I answered and I heard, "hello is this Y/n Grayson?"

"Yeah what's going on?"

Woman: I regret to inform you that one Kirk Langstrom is terminally ill, however he wishes to speak with you in person so I have made this call to inform you.

"Wait what?!"

Doc is dying what happened?!

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