Chapter 23: the long christmas eve: part two

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With me suspended on a wire Deathstroke said, "didn't think it'd be this easy spider."

I broke it and said, "It won't be..."

Shocker got up and said, "this won't be the last you see of me and ran off."

Deathstroke and I stared each other down.

Deathstroke: this won't end like last time bird.

"What are you talking about."

Deathstroke: you know exactly what I'm talking about, just because you got powers and go by a new name doesn't mean I won't know who you are Robin.

He got out a bo staff and swung with it I grabbed it and forced it out of his hands.

He pulled out his sword and we clashed.

I swung and he blocked the hit with his blade.

We continued to attack until the staff broke in two.

I then used them as my former weapon the eskrima stick.

I jumped over him and hit him in the back of the head sending him staggering forward.

He then separated the sword from itself revealing two swords.


I matched him blow for blow and I flipped backwards and he said, "you're good spider, but we both know the only reason your lasting this long in a one on one fight is because of those powers of yours."

As much as I hate to admit it he's right, I beat him once as a kid because he underestimated me and I outsmarted him. The worst part is he's still holding back.

He charged at me and stabbed me in the side and preceded to rip it out through my hip and he said, "you're weak Spider-Man."

He hit me upside the head and I blacked out.

15 minutes later

I woke up and saw the corpse of Deathstroke, in front of me, cause of death snapped neck.

"I know he'll be back, but what the hell..."

What do we care whether he lives or dies. He's not the priority right now. Besides he deserves to die.

We proceeded to head to hammerhead's penthouse and when we arrived. We saw the corpses of hammerhead and his Fiancée.

His fiancée was hanging from the chandelier.

"What happened here."

Lyla: if you come back and get your old mask we can use detective mode to-

"Good to know the earpiece works, but we won't need Detective mode."

We looked at the body of hammerhead. He had surgical scars suggesting a recent operation give he didn't have them before, meaning he's likely a body double he had made after we shut down a few rackets of his. Cause of death... crushed throat.

We then checked the wife on the chandelier. Her hands were clamped in by the metal bars. The murder used his barehands to kill them meaning he has super strength. However that isn't the weirdest part of it. Her face was gone, and the missing skin was in the shape of a hand print. No signs of serrated edges or any other type of blade used, her face of ripped off.

The police think we did this don't they.

We dropped down when we saw a phone on the ground. I unlocked the phone and looked through the texts.

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