Chapter 14: Reptilian Rampage

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Y/n POV Oscorp

I walked into Dr. Connors' Office and said, "hey doc, mind if I talk to you about something?"

He shot up from his chair and said, "oh yes of course, um what is it?"

"Well um, I was wondering how would a predator track a reptile?"

Doc: they don't most reptiles are at the top of their respective food chains, kings of their own domain so to speak.

"Well they gotta have vulnerabilities right?"

Doc: why the sudden interest?

"Just curious, besides I'm trying to learn something new. So because they're cold blooded do they react to sudden change in temperature?"

Doc: you'd have to catch one first. Did you hear, there's rumor of a new species in New York... it's beautiful and quite large. It's not quite classified, but it can be quite... aggressive when threatened. Now I'm going to take my leave, stay for as long as you need.

He left and I heard crunching. I looked for the source of it and saw two of the mice have turned into lizard monsters and were eating the ones with the expected results.

I got on my web shooters and made a web bag which I put them in.

sewer system

I webbed my camera to a wall and made a complete spiderweb to track the vibrations I feel so I can feel where he's coming from now just to wait.

Lyla: your focusing on this Lizard is strange... why not just find the tinkerer first?

"The guy that was in the black car from last night turned out to have the rest of the lizard serums... and guess who's body was found mutilated this morning with no signs of the serum. I don't know what he has planned, but I intend to find out."

Lyla: fair point.

Then a string began to vibrate. I looked in that direction... then all of them vibrated and lizards came from each tunnel and headed one way so I followed and then my spider sense started tingling.

I hopped back, but was grounded by the lizard who said, "You think you could hunt me?! Please I'm getting STRONGER every day!"

He dug his claws into my chest but I threw him off and punched him in the face sending back into the wall setting off my camera.

We continued to fight until he cut my web apart and we fell into the sewage water.

I swam away, but he followed me up until I went into a pipe he couldn't follow me through.

The next day passing period

I was still sore when I heard Flash say, "Hey Grayson!"

I caught the ball heading toward my head and threw it back.

"Not in the mood right now Flash."

Flash: For once I just wanna talk.

"Really about what?"

Flash: as much as I hate to admit it, coach wants you to try out for football.


Flash: he said something about your performance in PE getting better or something.

"So he sent you to talk to me."

Flash: I'm not as bad as Whitley.

"Congratulations you're not as much of a piece of shit as the literal fucking Nazi. Good for-"

I then saw out of the corner of my eye that the bathroom door blew off it's hinges.


Flash: What?


I grabbed my bag and was about to get away from everyone else when I was grabbed and thrown into the chem lab. I looked up and saw the doc got a new look.

He attacked me and I dodged each time, but he hit me through a wall and he said, "You won't stop me Y/n! This means to much to me!"

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He attacked me and I dodged each time, but he hit me through a wall and he said, "You won't stop me Y/n! This means to much to me!"

I got changed immediately behind the wall and drop kicked him through a wall.

"Sorry doc, but I don't think your heat lamp is in a high school's chemistry lab."

I jumped over to him and webbed his hands to the lockers and he ripped them off with the locker doors and attacked me. I struggled to dodge each time, but I managed. I jumped back and slingshot myself at him and hit him through the doors to another corridor leading to the library and saw my sister sneaking up behind him and the his tail was about to hit her.

So I webbed his tail to the floor and put him in a web cocoon and I jumped over him to my sister.

"Sorry about this little lady, but I'm gonna have to throw you out the window now."

Mary: What?!

I broke the window and attached a web to the railing and her, then I threw her out and turned around and saw that he escaped from the cocoon and I said, "Bring it on you overgrown class pet."

He tackled me into the library and he threw a table at me, so I webbed it and threw it back.

He attacked so I tossed him over my shoulder and kicked him into the bookshelves.

He threw part of it at me and I jumped on it and sent it back to him. Then I swung into him and kicked him back.

Then I hit his chest multiple times, grabbed a piece of the bookshelf and stabbed his side and threw him to the side, but his tail grabbed my arm and threw me into a wall.

He attempted to flee, but I grabbed his tail and pulled... then he detached it and I fell backwards.

I pushed the tail off of me and he was gone.

I went to the bathroom he bursted out from and followed the path the Lizard took and found his makeshift lab.

Among the various test tubes and computers... which somehow work down here was a photo of his wife and son.

I got on his computer and was able to find a video of him increasing the dose of the serum. It seems the serum has made him more aggressive and almost feral.

One video explained his plan to use the Ganali Device to distribute the serum to the entire city... yeah not on my watch.

The lab

I uncovered the test subjects cage and said, "sorry Connors, but this is gonna cost ya an arm to fix and I'm willing to pay it right now."

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