Chapter Three: Guilty Conscience

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Sunday morning police station

Police officer: so let me make sure I got this right; late last night, you were being mugged by this man when a man in a black hoodie jumped down from a rooftop and knocked out the man, took the man's gun, and left the scene.

Woman: yes that's what happened.

Police officer: well then did you see the other man's face?

Woman: no.

Police officer: did he say anything.

Woman: no he didn't.

Police officer: anything you remember about the man?

Woman: nothing in particular.

Y/n POV Underground lab

I was in my lab staring at the tube and grabbed the gun I stole from the mugger, put it in my mouth and almost pulled the trigger before I pussed out and dropped the gun.

"Damn it all!"

Why can't I do it?! I killed her so why can't I just pull the trigger!?

I put the gun away and said, "I can't let this be for nothing. If I can't kill myself then I have to do something else to repent."

I sat down and closed my eyes and saw the orange eyes of the monster that brought all that Carnage.

I heard someone walking in and looked to see my father who said, "you know this place is a bitch to find."

"Sorta the point."

Dad: I know, but I Uh don't really know how to approach this, given the situation.

"How much do you know?"

Dad: tell me which parts I have right... during that field trip you somehow got powers, the next day you found you had changed with one of these changes being your sight being restored, you used your powers to get revenge on a bully, then you looked into your blood cells to see if you were going to die, but found something else entirely and that resulted in you and Gwen trying to make something from this discovery which lead to her death.

"You got the gist of it yeah."

He knelt down next to me and said, "as much as I want to say that I know what you're going through I can't, but I know that whatever happened was an accident and that was never your intention."

"I didn't even think it was possible, but she even said that she thought she saw it moving, but I didn't believe her."

Dad: All I can say is, don't let her death be in vain.


Dad: do the right thing and learn from what happened rather than be consumed by it.

Tuesday morning

I walked to my locker and heard Flash walking up saying, "hey Grayson! I wanna talk to you."

"Not now Flash."

Flash grabbed my shoulder and I grabbed him and shoved him against the lockers and said, "what?! What do you want?"

Flash: I know you were close to her, I wanna say I'm sorry about your friend, I'm sorry about Gwen.

I let him go and grabbed my stuff and walked to class.

After school

I walked outside and began to walk home when I heard my biology teacher Miles Warren another man who didn't like me, but for a totally different reason than Gwen's father does, saying, "Grayson, I know you had something to do with it! I'll make sure you pay for her death."

"Shut the fuck up Warren. We both know the only reason you're pissed is because you can no longer wait until Gwen turned 18 anymore."

Warren: You'll pay Grayson, you'll pay!

I walked straight home after that and collapsed onto my bed.

I opened the news app on my phone and saw that the archer in Gotham had struck again and that they left another arrow this time was one meant for a gas or smoke, but other than that apparently... haly's circus was in town apparently somewhere along the line Bryan Haly found a way to bring it back with some returning acts... I wonder if he fell into the same habits as his family did.


I was on there website to see what exactly their acts would be. There's knife throwers, an escape artist, tightrope walker, animal tamers, contortionists, clowns, etc. but there was one that caught my attention a performance from The Flying Graysons. Looks like the asshole is capitalizing on my family name, but I think I'll have more fun during that part of the investigation than the knife throwing will, I had enough of that when I had to fight triple G otherwise known as William Cobb or talon.

Time to get some tickets... never mind I don't have that kinda money on me right now.

Mary then walked in and said, "hey my friends and I are going to Haly's circus and we have an extra ticket, so wanna come?"

What kinda sitcom bullshit is this? Whatever don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

"Sure, why not. I need something to get my mind off of... everything."

Mary: great we're leaving after school tomorrow.

"I can't wait."

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