Chapter 37 Lessons

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Chapter 37 lessons,

I felt Caius's eyes on me as I entered the throne room. Not trying to look as nervous as I felt, I kept my attention on Aro and forced a smile on my face to look cheerful rather than display my true feelings.

''I'm ready to begin training, if you have the time. '' I announced.

I felt the stares but did not look around. Aro raise his hands to his mouth as he posed, in a prayer like position. He remained silent for a few agonizing moments as he regarded me, then he took a glance at his left and I knew it was Caius he was acknowledging.

Great, just great. Caius will tell Aro no, and he will not let me train. I hate this rank shit.

''Alright, Mia Isabella, if this is what you want, then so be it. Head to the training grounds. ''

To my utter astonishment Caius did not prevent me as I thought he would. I turned without another word and made my way towards the grounds. I wondered what Caius was thinking. I wish I had looked upon his face now. Was he angry with me still, or perhaps maybe he was relenting towards me. I decided that I would look at him the next time.

Aro was waiting for me on the platform with the three chairs, all occupied. Marcus always to the right and Caius to the left. Caius made no clue to his feelings even as I look for a time in his eyes for any signs. I was sadly disappointed to find nothing there. As my eyes settled back on Aro, I noticed his eyes lit up with a greedy delight as he saw me come to a halt in front of him. Instantly he flitted to my side, his eyes sliding down my form sizing me up.

''There you are my dear, are you prepared? ''

''Yes, let's get started. ''

''As you wish, ready yourself! ''

He waved to Demetri, standing off by his side. As Aro moved back up to a seat, Demetri circled me to engage combat. My mouth quirk into a grin as I stared him down. I felt pent up power in my body surge as he got closer and closer. My eyes swiveled around to watch his movements as he paced himself around me.

''Ready for me, little Bella. ''Demetri taunted.

I felt my eyes sharpened slightly and narrow.

''You know I've been itching for a good fight since I woke up. I hope you come prepared for me?'' I asked with a tone of warning.

He laughed as he moved to advance him. His lips pressed together in displeasure when Demetri's voice came out slow with a soft growl.

''Then you get scratched. ''

He was fast as he moved to strike, but as I circled him, my action became sure. I dodged him and flitted a little way away. He stood there waiting for me to come back with a gentle smile on his face.

''You have exceptional skills, Bella, 'Demetri laughed, ''tell me, were you always this headstrong or did it come with the change? ''

I grinned at him and I didn't miss a beat when I said, ''I've always been strong willed, but this need to fight, that's new. ''

Demetri shrugged, ''you're a newborn, it is normal. ''

''Enough of this talking Demetri! '' Aro shouted. ''Don't expect any leniency just because you are queen, fight now! ''He added.

I fought not to roll my eyes. But then snap them in the direction of Demetri as I distracted movement.

Without delay he circled me, immediately my feet moved swiftly as I mirrored his movements. Our eyes locked and he held mine as he waited for my first move. I lunged forward and aimed high for his head. He blocked me too easily then I went for his stomach. He moved to deflect me simply as I dove to try and trip him. He jumped back as I leapt forward. Blocked again, he matched me at every turn. I instantly raised my hands in to defend myself, but my mind was focus on Caius suddenly and his words echoed in my mind.

''I will leave you on your own, then maybe you will come to your senses. ''

I blinked as my shoulders were grabbed. I gasped as I roughly was hurled across the room.

Aro chuckled. ''Focus Bella! ''

''I'm trying! ''I called out, recovering as I picked myself off the dirt.

He rose from his chair and pointed at me.

''Do not use just physical force. The mind is the battleground as well! ''

A nervous fluttering of butterfly's moved around my tummy as I glanced towards Caius. His gaze was a brief one, his dark expression was intimidating, and it held mine with a deep disapproving scowl with eyes angry and black.

I forced myself to refocus on Demetri. I was a little perturbed by his superior skills, so I decided it was time to unleash the fury. I grabbed for his arms as he moved to strike me and I caught them, Blocking his blow. I chuckled softly as his mouth hung open in surprise. I went low and in one sweeping motion of my leg, I managed to trip him.


He went down but he didn't stay down long. He popped up in an instant and regrouped. His expression was determined with shitty grin fixed on me. I could see the way his eyes dance with excitement that he wanted more.

Right then!

Aro watch from his chair intensely. I could see his eyes he was hopeful in the beginning but with every passing minute disappointment grew in them. I shot a quick glance at Caius and his lips twitching to a little smile.

Was he mocking me, or enjoying my failure?

Damn it, in front of everyone too! And Aro was being an arrogant ass.

As I snap my gaze back to Demetri he attacked again, and I fail to block him. Nothing I did drew him out of his confidence and perfect grace. His sudden an unexpected movement away caused me to stumble in my step. And I twisted around to find him. I located him and then rushed forward, and he jumped away swiftly to avoid my advance then flipped. But not before his foot collided with my head. I lost my footing and stubbled to the ground.

I could not bring myself to even look at Caius. I was afraid to see if there was concern there or worse disapproval on his face. I turned to Aro instead as he shouted.

''No more Demetri! '' Aro crossed his arms, '' let's wrap it up for now, shall we? ''

He nodded and came up to help me up.

''Thanks Dem,'' I say as he nodded and I dusted my clothes off.

I walked in front of Aro as he stared at me until a long uncomfortable silence ensued.

He sighed after a time. ''Isabella, I must explain to you I have an agenda to accomplish, and you will experience the full level of training I have to offer. This will hopefully draw out your gift in time, ''he paused as he waited for me to nod then continued, ''my only expectation is that you do everything in your power to defend yourself, not with physical force only but with your power within your mind. Is that understood? ''

I nodded and glanced at Marcus which held my own with such pity that I could not handle it any longer or take a chance and see Caius's face. So, I then looked on Caius's face one more time seeing his hard face not revealing his emotions then I left taking the stairs to the royal wing.

Why wouldn't anything happen? Why couldn't I do anything?

I needed something to take place. I didn't know why but I just wanted to matter to the coven somehow. Just being a queen existing uselessly by my king's side didn't sit well with me. I was beyond frustrated.

Damn embarrassing moment, infuriating present Caius for witnessing my embarrassment!

I entered the nursery and was happy to learn that I was alone. The babies were fast asleep in their cribs.


I took the time by myself to reflect. I leaned against the door staring at them lost in their sweet sound of their rhythmic breathing. It calms me to hear it and I found welcoming peace in my children's presence.

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