Chapter 22: The Arrangement

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Chapter 22: The Arrangement,

Caius's POV...

I followed Athenodora's scent and it led me to Marcus's study. I knew she ran to him when she was upset with me in the past. As I approached the door, I heard her cry. Dammit! I couldn't maintain my rage at hearing her suffering, so I let my anger simmer down and calmed myself. To be fair, Athena didn't have any warning about the new situation. At least Bella was prepared for her. Dora had no clue about Bella. It can't be easy I realized. When you mate for a long time and then suddenly no more. Marcus was speaking softly to her and I decided it was time to walk in and talk with her. She was in his arms sobbing on his shirt miserably.

''My sweet, it will be alright. I will let no one hurt you. '' Marcus was saying as I sigh, I slowly came to a stop in front of them.

''Did you tell her then? ''I ask Marcus and Athena head turned to me and darted her glossy, angry eyes on my face.

Before Marcus could answer Athena shot up from her seat and stood before me in a rage. ''Tell me?! Yes, and it should have come from you and not him!''

I saw her fist clinch and her nails dug into a palm causing small drops of venom to rise from the wound. I watched it rip on the carpet, as I saw her emotional agony, I close my eyes and sadness.

''I'm sorry for that, I thought I had more time to explain. My true mate is embarrassed too. ''I say regretfully.

''She should be the mate stealing whore!''

I growled suddenly an Athena backed up, knowing she had gone too far. ''Do not speak of my mate like that again, Athena! I will have your head for this!''

Stepping forward, Marcus flits in front of her, blocking me from getting my hands on her.

''No brother! I will not let you destroy her!" He stood with such determination that I was taken aback.

Marcus didn't normally care about anything or let alone another woman other than Didyme. I back down and remained silent for him to go on.

''I will take her. She will not be separated from her family. As a good and close friend of Didyme's, she means a lot to me.''

I search his face in a state of shock. He was taking Dora in so I wouldn't kill her? I hope he knows what he's getting into she can be such a handful. Also, even though I've used to be mated to her, I didn't know how to feel about Marcus claiming her. This gave me strange feelings. Like a man dating your ex feeling. It was not too pleasant to think of her with Marcus. But I knew it was either that or I would have killed her. I just couldn't risk Athena killing my Bella.

''As you wish Marcus. But you must control her, I will not tolerate Athena threatening or trying to harm my mate.''

''Yes Caius, I understand. '' His voice drawled out sadly.

Athena got up and stood shaking with rage. ''I will not be giving away like some sort of object!''

''Be quiet Dora! Marcus just saved your ungrateful hide! ''I yell at her and she shrinks back.

''I will not stand for this ...''she begins but Marcus interrupts her.

''You will speak no more! I will have you and you will be silent about it!'' He growls out turns on his heel and stalks forward towards her.

I would not have believed it if I didn't see it for myself. He just grabbed her and lifted her like bridal style and held her against his chest. He nods to me once then flits off with her to his room. I was left blinking in astonishment. I never saw him like that before. Perhaps he had some hidden feelings for her after all.


Sometime later ...

Athenodora's POV...

It's been three days since Caius gave me away, and I've been cooped up in here with Marcus. I lay sprawled out on a velvet couch near the fireplace dressed in nothing but his long dress shirt that went down to my knees. I huffed and cross my arms and stared into the flames as they did their mesmerizing dance before my eyes. Normally, I love the past time just enjoying the comforting blaze, but not now and who knows not ever again.

Marcus was not doing too well either, he lacked care of his appearance. He didn't comb his hair and left it wild and windswept. He was stressed as well. Served the Bastard right. He was very high handed just to take me in without consulting me. I know I was dear to his Didyme and I was her favorite friend but to take me in, I wanted no such charity.

He shut his book and placed it on the desk. He leaned back and ran a hand through his long black locks again, the habit I grew to understand that he was irritated or nervous. Even though I was angry, a small part of me found it attractive. I clicked my tongue at myself. How could I even think of it? He forced me here against my will and I was bored out of my mind. In my irritation, my voice was sharp and lacked any kind of patience.

''So, what are you going to do with me? ''

My tone only made him stare right through me and pay me no mind. He went on to write and I wanted to lose it. He tunneled another hand through his hair and continue to scrawl his letter. I had it! I couldn't resist to tease the cage lion and poke at him relentlessly.

''I want you to tell me what you plan on doing with me. I have the right to know! ''I got up and stood right in front of his desk.

He continued to write and didn't look up. ''We will take this one step at a time, my sweet. ''He drawled out with a strained baritone voice.

''You had no right just to claim me like that!'' I say, opening the argument I had with him a dozen times before.

He let loose a weary sigh and got up. ''Stop your nonsense, right now Athena! I have no wish to go over this again. ''

I was through with being dominated. I cocked my hips to the side and put my hand on my hip with attitude.

''You kidnapped me! ''

His eyes went wide with indignation and gaped at me. ''Athenodora! ''His voice just above a whisper and he moved by me and went to sit by the fire where he sulked.

I ignored the guilt that surged in my veins and move back to my place on the couch. ''You took me against my will and imprison me here. So, what would you call it?''

He rose slowly and walked over to me. ''Dora, my sweet ...''

''No, don't touch me!'' I say Recoiling from him.

He pulled his hand away and looked at his hands in regret. ''Dora, I only want to keep you with your family, and I adore you. You are my sweet sister period now we are to be mates. Please give me a chance.''

He held my gaze and I put my chin out stubbornly. Instead of showing signs of giving up he cracked a small smile. I don't know why really. I looked at on him with hatred and blamed him for this whole thing. I was stuck here with him and I was going crazy.

''You look hungry my sweet. You should come with me. I will get you a nice human to eat.'' He said trying to coax me off the couch.

''No, don't call me that and what the hell are you smiling about? ''

He chuckled and knelt by my side. ''I picked you to mate because of your sweet disposition and just look at you now. You're as feisty as a cat ready for a fight. I'm pleasantly surprised, however. You need to relax though; I'm taking you to feed. ''He said lifting me into his arms.

''No, I rather die! ''I protested.

''Well a good mate will not allow that so hang on and stop your whining.''

''What! How dare you speak to me like that!''

''Athena, a man has to do with a man has to do. ''

Without another word he flitted off with me in his arms to the Dungeons where humans are kept for snacking.

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