Chapter 23: Fitting In

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Chapter 23: Fitting In.

Bella POV...

I woke up to find our bedroom in darkness. After I ate dinner and slept through the night, I felt refreshed and new. Caius made careful love to me last night and it was really wonderful. He loved me until I almost passed out in exhaustion. I smiled as I remembered his loving whispers as he moved over me. I didn't know if it was his sex or his sexy voice that made me climax, but it was so good. Maybe both. My smile faded however, when I discovered that I was alone. My hand drifted across the smooth satin sheets to find the indent of his head on the pillow. I stretched and yawned as I came up to a sitting position. I looked around and then spotted Caius sitting in a chair by the fire in the other side of the room. His head turned to look at me and he gazed at me from the light of the flames. That should have made me feel strange with him just staring at me while I slept, but I have grown accustomed to it by now. I wish however that he would come to me. So, I held out my hand to him.

''Please come and hold me, ''I say in a pleasing tone that made his sexy mouth twitch into a grin.

I love it that Caius was so attentive these days. I didn't mind having to be obedient to him because I was getting used to his ways and he loved to indulge me as well. I enjoy talking with him and asked about his day. He tolerated it well and liked my opinions about vampire matters.

''Good morning my lovely, you are finally awake I see. I wish to take you to breakfast so please hurry up and shower. Would you do me the great honor and put on one of your pretty summer dresses? ''

I gave him a questioning look and he just gestured me to the bathroom. I quickly showered and looked through my walk-in closet for a nice blue knee length dress with spaghetti straps and put on my white flats. I gave myself a look over in the mirror and when satisfied with my appearance, I found Caius holding the door open for me. He gave me an approving nod and took my hand and led me to the kitchen.

I like a hearty breakfast but I'm not taking the time to prepare one. Caius said that he would take me to meet some of the guard and Sulpicia today. So, I settled for quick toasted waffles. They were not bad when you slather them with blueberry jam and topped them with whipped cream.

Caius watch me swallow every mouthful. He explained that in his long years as a vampire he didn't remember what food tasted like. He said that as his mate it gave him pleasure to watch me and it fascinated him that I liked it. Sometimes he asked me to describe flavors, but some of what I say makes no sense to him. Like if I describe chocolate for instance, he will not have the point of reference. He never tasted it when he was alive anyway. But he was interested and still asked. His eyes followed every bite, and I wondered to myself if he was doing it because he was simply bored waiting for me to finish. I knew I was his whole reason for existing and couldn't help but laugh at him. I was probably one of great amusement to him as well. He was not just acting this way but the guard too. Jane and Felix mostly. They had eagerly looked after me and took delight in everything I did. It was like oh let's watch what the human will do next. It amazes me. Soon as I finished, Caius offered me his arm and said we were heading to the gardens. As we came out, the bright sun caused him to sparkle beautifully. We made our way to the benches where three women were chatting away.

''Hello, my ladies, ''Caius greeted with me on his arm as we entered the gardens.

Sulpicia, Athenodora, and Corin stood up as we approached. I could see them each in turn had a different look about their face. Athena eyed me with scrutiny and little tolerance. Corin seemed flustered and bowed deeply, earning her a small smile from Caius. Sulpicia smiled ever so sweetly.

''My master. ''

She had a rather girly voice, and a sort of which would become piercing if she were excited and talked a mile a minute. Her mouse brown hair clung to a pointed face in almost down to the waist of a short slim body with small breasts and narrow hips. Thick brown lashes framed huge red eyes. Jane came to Corin's inside and acknowledged her friend with an odd. Sulpicia nodded to me and took my arm from Caius.

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