Chapter 13: Girl Talk

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Chapter 13: girl talk.

Bella's POV...

Caius was in rotten mood as he paced back and forth waiting for me to be examined. The situation with the coming danger and seeing me in pain had him increasingly on the edge. Carlisle looked over his way and nodded for him to come over. Caius flitted over and looked me over anxiously.

''Looks like a minor sprain, nothing too serious. ''Carlisle explained just before he reached for the gauze to bandage me up.

''Let me.'' Caius said as he took the role of gauze from him then sat in front of me.

Carlisle smiled in went over to Esme, letting Caius finished taking care of me. He had a focus expression as he worked which gave me time to gaze longingly at him without him noticing me. My eyes roamed all over his body, just taking in his perfect physique. His head was bent over my hand causing a few strands of his pale, Golden hair to sway against his strong jaw. He had on a white T shirt that clung to his thin but ripped torso and black jeans that hugged his butt. The Volturi pendant dangled just above the V line of his shirt catching the light hypnotically. His arms look strong as his muscles bulged from the curling position that accentuated his strength. It was so hard not to move, because I wanted to touch him so badly.

''Stop it. ''

My eyes blinked up to him, but Caius was still focused on his work. ''Stop what? ''

Your heart rate is skyrocketing, so stop thinking whatever it is you're thinking. It is driving me mad. Try something ...soothing. You know, calming or whatever. ''

Damn super vampire hearing. I was really glad he couldn't hear my thoughts, that would really distract him. I sighed and took a deep breath then released it slowly. He finished taping the bandage then looked up.

''All done, my dear. ''He paused, and I look into his eyes as they flit over my features. ''You look pale, maybe you should get some food. ''He added.

''Yeah, alright. ''I say softly.

''Esme, do you have food here or do I need to get some from the store? ''Caius asked her.

Esme looked up from her magazine in hopped off her place on Carlisle's lap.

''We have stock of Bella's favorite foods. Come on Bella, I'll make you something nice. '' Esme said as she walked in the kitchen.

''I'll keep you company Bella, ''Alice chimed in taking me by the hand pulling me along.
''Me too, ''Rosalie called joining us.

We all sat in a circle as we watched Esme make my dinner. I was glad for a little time to relax. After the encounter with Jacob and his run in with Caius, had me really tired and hungry. I was relieved to be out of Caius's presence for now because of his foul mood and not to mention the way he made me feel. Caius is always had a way to make me feel unsettled and completely off balance. I need to feel stable again, and this time with Alice and Rose here will help me feel better I will start to feel aright again. Alice was loyal, sweet and such a good friend. I was lucky to have her as a friend, hell she was practically my adopted sister in every way. I was surprised at Rosalie though she was never too nice to me but wanted to join in with the girly gab. It was cool.

''So, you and Caius huh. How's it going? ''Alice asked with interest.

''Well, he's really nice and romantic on our date...''

They both gasped, ''really!''

I smiled at their astonishment. ''Yeah, I mean he's better now than I ever imagined. I never thought in a million years I'd like him. After all, he was such a prick when I first met him.''

''I just knew it! Though, I'm as surprised as you are at his sudden change. ''Alice said as she took my hand.

''What, wait, knew?''

''Yeah, sorry Bella it's just that some things you just got to keep under your hat for the good of all. ''

I was frowning now at her cause I had a distinct feeling that Alice was enjoying herself. Esme put a steamy cup of coffee in front of me and I added the milk and sugar.

''He's a mess now though, what happened? ''I asked then took a sip.

"Oh, Caius's sexually frustrated. You're his true mate and I'm shocked he is taking too long to take you to bed, well it's just driving him crazy. ''She said, and Rosalie giggled as I signaled them to keep it low.

I paused thoughtfully. Why was he waiting? If it was abnormal to wait, then what was wrong with me?

Alice Shot a look of confusion over at Rosalie at the look on my face.

''Hey bells, what's the matter? '' Rosalie asked concern.

''Why didn't he just sleep with me? ''

Esme dropped her spatula and turned to listen. I ducked my head in embarrassment for all yellow eyes were upon me.

''I mean it doesn't sound like a noble thing when you put it that way. Just look at him, I mean he's sex on wheels and I'm, uh, not.''

''No, that can't be it could it?'' Rosalie ask Alice.

''Oh Bella, no way? You're beautiful he's just old fashioned. ''She added. I'll tell you though, most women would kill to be in your shoes right now. Caius is the most gorgeous King of the three. ''She whispered like she talked of intrigue.

''Not to mention, she's in a perfect situation to jump his bones at any time. The true mate bond is a sure thing. The mind-blowing orgasm she gets would be a bonus for submitting to his will.'' Rose laughed.

Despite of myself I found the idea entertaining. I never had one before.

''Just how do you two know it will be a mind-blowing orgasm? There has to be some kind of flaw, I mean you can't be perfect in every way, can he? What if he's terrible in bed?'' I say.

Alice snorted and Rose covered her mouth to stifle her laughter.

''No Bella, it might be true for a human guy but he's a vampire and he's got skills. Didn't I ever tell you that Jasper and I can go at it for days with no end. ''She whispers.

My eyes went wide at the thought. Rose nodded and added. ''Yeah, stamina is one thing, but a male vampire invest a great amount of time making you come. Because when the time comes and you're a vampire, they like to bite and oh man does it feel good when they do. The venom is such a turn on. ''

I just stared at them. ''I can't believe you're telling me all this. But I have to admit, I kind of fantasize about it while Edward and I were together.'' I say as I felt a blush form on my cheeks.

''Bella! Ooh!'' They teased me.

''What, can a girl have a little nighttime fun? Anyway, you can't get the same results with just polite regular sex dreaming. We got to spice it up. And why are you two being so judgmental anyway? You know I'm just talking. Besides, my fantasy life is all I've got these days. '' I say taking another sip of coffee.

''Not for long girl, you're missing the point. Now that you got a true mate, you're passing up the opportunity not to be sex deprived. ''Rose smiled at my sheepish grin. She just was so smug.

I just shook my head. 'I just don't have the nerve to make a move, let alone ask. ''

''Bella, you have to ask him. He won't claim you unless you say, complete me. ''Alice informed me.

''I don't know about that. I'll never be desperate enough to do it. ''I pause as Esme walked over.

''OK girls calm it down some. Here Bella cheeseburger and fries. Dig in.'' She announced putting my plate in front of me.

''Thanks, Esme, it's really good. ''I munched happily as the two chattered on about their sex lives.

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