Chapter 16: Saving Bella

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I'm so in awe about the amount of comments and I can't thank you all enough.

Chapter 16: Saving Bella,

Bella's POV...

Let's go, now,'' ordered Edward. I backed away from him and tried to run. Before I could get out the door, I was in his arms and he flitted out into the night like a flash of lightning.

"No..." I sobbed as the light of my bedroom...and home, became a blur. I screamed then succumbed to the fright and the darkness that swallowed me whole. I fainted.


I woke up in a cold dark rock cavern. A small fire lit up the cave and the sound of flames cracking consuming the logs filled the small space. I struggled to sit up.

"Edward?" I whispered, "Where the hell are you?"

Someone sighed and I found Edward watching me from the darkness, as my eyes got used to the darkness. I spotted him sitting on a small boulder that had been pushed into the corner of the cave.

"So, you're finally awake," he murmured.

I swallowed thickly. "Where am I?"

"Welcome to my humble little hide out, "he chuckled.

When he came into the light, I discovered to my horror that he was naked from the waist up. I panicked to what may be on his mind.

"You're mine girl," snickered Edward. You been a naughty little whore, haven't you?"

"What do you want from me?" I yelled ignoring his question. He only answered me with a sigh. "Where's Caius?"

"Don't worry about that son of a bitch,'' he yelled voice full of jealousy. ''I should have killed him for even touching you."

"Edward, you have to stop this. I'm not your mate."

He grabbed my hand and lifted he up to my feet. "You are Bella. I just know you are. Your very essence calls to me and the way you make me feel. The way you smell..." he murmured, looking into my eyes. "I need you."

My heart began to race as he bent his head and began kissing me. I backed away and turned to run out of the cave.

"Don't you dare run away from me!"

Edward grabbed my shoulder and then yanked my hair back before I could get the momentum to bolt. My instincts took over and my adrenaline pumped, rushing through my body. Fear fueled my efforts as I struggled against his powerful hold.

Edward growled in my ear. "You are not strong enough to fight me little human."

I pulled against his cold hands, then twisted my head up so I could look at his face. "You can't do this!"

"I can do what ever I want!" Edward hissed.

Istruggled violently and he responded by restraining me and pulling my body flush to his. My fight with him excited his instincts and he reacted with dominance. I could feel his full arousal and his desire for me radiating through his whole being. I gasped as I felt his cock against my hip, and I tried desperately to get away. I went limp so I could fall through his arms and succeeded only a moment as I tried to crawl away on my knees. He spun me and swooped down on me, crushing his lips onto mine.

There was no warmth in his kiss but cold cruelty that came from the depth of his hardened soul. His hand roamed all over my body greedily and I pushed against his chest, clearly showing my revulsion to him. He scooped me up before I knew what was happening then he deposited me on the cold rocky ground where I'd been laying by the fire. He ripped and tore away my clothes as I looked on his face in disbelief through my tears. When I was completely naked, he pinned my arms to the ground with one hand then pointed harshly in my face.

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