Chapter 11: The Date

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Happiness is mine, you all are great!

Chapter 11: The date.

Caius's POV...

It is really strange, feeling nervous but I was. I gaze into the mirror and straighten my suit. I had to change my suit six times, but all were mostly the same fashion. I frowned to my image. I look great for a business meeting or something like that but not a date with a young woman of the age. I felt too well dressed. When I was just about to give up comparing suits again, a sudden knock came to the door. I moved to open it and danced Alice. Looks like she just came home from school.

''Hey Caius, it's your big night, ''she said excitedly as she skipped over to me.

''Yeah, how do I look?''

''Too dressy, uptight too. 'She added playfully.

''Oh, thanks a lot, ''I said flatly.

''Don't worry, I got you something, ''she said in a singsong voice.

She flitted out and came in with a bag and pulled out a blue designer dress shirt, black vest, and a pair of jeans with some sheen to them. Then a pair of amazing shiny black dress boots. I was touched, she really cared if I look good for my mate.

''I can't thank you enough for this, Alice. I was stressing about my clothes and I did not like what I had on because I didn't look casual enough.''

''This should make you feel younger too. Besides, you should be dressing like a regular guy. It will put her more at ease instead of wearing your power suits all the time,'' she finished saying as she waved to me and then left the room for me to change.

When I put on the new clothes and boots, I was pleased with my image. Well almost. My hair was always hanging like a curtain, perfectly straight. It did not seem to match my new style too well. I frown again. Maybe if I styled it differently. I looked through my things and found my hair ties. I pulled it back into a ponytail and let a few strands loose. There, that gave it just the right touch. I looked good. I turn side to side and smiled. I think she will not recognize me right away. I moved back to my bag and pulled out my contacts and put them in and looked back in the mirror. There, wow, my eyes look as if they had deep blueberry Hue. Now I looked like I can blend in. When I was satisfied, I grabbed my bag and was off.

I made my way downstairs and searched for Carlisle's keys but couldn't find them on the table where I left them. A Creak on the floorboards alerted me that someone was behind me. I turned to see Edward leaning against the wall with my keys dangling from his finger.

''Looking for these? ''

''Edward, just say what you want to say and let's be done with it. ''

''Oh, I will and then some, ''he said grinning with that mad glint in his eye.

My guard heard the threat and flitted into the room followed by the whole Cullen lot. They gathered around us and looked on our little standoff with alarm. My guards at my side were ready to defend me but I made them back down. I gave Carlisle a look that I was not going to harm his son.

''Say it then boy, ''I say in a low voice, moving close to look him in the eye.

''You will not hurt Bella. She is mine and she loves me. ''

''Edward, Edward, Edward, I see that she didn't tell you then, ''I say grinning at his bewilderment.

''What, that you swayed her somehow into going out with you. ''

''No Edward, I did not do anything of the sort, ''my grin couldn't help but get bigger. ''You see, I'm her true mate and she by our laws, is mine!''

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