Chapter 19: Battle dawns

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Chapter 19: Battle dawns.

Caius POV...

The morning came too fast for me as I lay with her still in my arms. After we made love, she slept peacefully through the night but there was little peace for me. My thoughts preyed on me relentlessly as I held her. Now that we were eternally joined my instincts to protect her was now increased dramatically. I couldn't take just lying there I had to get up and pace, so I went outdoors. The storm had drifted away with the coming morning hours, leaving the forest covered in soft blankets of snow. Silence was consuming for the snow had killed off the remaining bugs and drove animals to warmer areas. It was too quiet, and I became super aware. I growled at every noise and my eyes darted around the tree lines for any sign of movement. I almost attacked Jacob as he returned from his patrol with the pack. I was relieved to see him. He came up to me in his wolf form and then phase into human. He stopped in front of me and sniffed.

''So, you and Bella are mates now huh?'' he asked as he crossed his arms with a huff.

''Yes, please don't let this put a wedge between the two of you. Your relationship means a lot to her. ''I say and then he shot a glance towards the tent.

''I wanted her.'' He said simply defeated.

''It was not meant to be, Jacob. ''I replied softly.

Just then we turned to see Bella emerging from the tent. She looked at us both with a worried expression then took careful steps towards us. Jacob stood firm next to me as I reached my hand out for her to take. She gave a small smile to me and took it. She faced Jacob and then reached for him. Jacob looked startled at her a moment then sighed. He gave her one of his sideways grins and took her offered hand.

''You mean so much to me, Jacob.'' she said kindly.

''I know Bella. I see you have chosen Caius.''

''We were made for each other, it was our fate, we just needed to accept it.'' My mate wisely said, looking up at me fondly.

''Yeah, I know. it's like the imprinting we do as wolves. I understand but it does not make it any easier.'' Jacob said sadly.

''I understand Jake. It's alright. ''Bella says with empathy.

Suddenly Jacob sniffed the air and then a clamor from someone emerging from the edge of the forest came to my ears. Seth sprang out through the trees with such a racket, it resounded through the surrounding area. He skidded to a stop in front of us.

Jacob gasped. ''They're here, it's time. ''Jacob wasn't wasting a moment in phase to Join Seth.

We watched them dash away. I listened to the battle waging on in the field, miles below the campsite. Bella waited with me looking at me for any news. I could only hear so much as I waited with my body going rigid with my anticipation mounting with every passing minute.

''I wish I knew how they were doing, but it's hard to tell. The fact that the army has been held back this long tells me that the plan has been a good one. ''I say reassuringly to Bella.

''I hope Jake is alright. ''She frowned in worry for her friend.

Only a slight twinge of jealousy rose slightly but I buried it. I knew of her loyalty to me and besides, he was a lifelong friend, and her feelings were of real concern. It was a mark of a true friend. Suddenly I felt it. The evil was nearly palpable. Two separate scents drifted towards me and I knew there had to be more than one. Then he appeared into my site coming over the Hill. He was him! The newborn that tried to kill my mate weeks ago! I growled and he came to a halt at the sight of me. I sniffed the air trying to pinpoint the other and she soon appeared at the tree line near him.

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