Chapter 41: Stand Off

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Chapter 41: Stand Off,

Echos of joyful laughter came back through the corridor as I rushed down towards it. Panic rose inside of my mind as I thought of the warning that Alice conveyed to me. Anxiety seeped through my veins at the memory of the last thing she said to me.

Suddenly, I remembered Caius's and mine strange mental connection.

Caius! I mentally call.

I listened to our connection with anticipation, I knew by the way I felt inside that he was answering, it created a sort of vibration inside. Also the mood he was in presently was also received, for I could feel his sudden irritation at being interrupted from his job.

Yes? Bella, what is it? This meeting is very important.

I know Caius, it's the children, they are running through the corridors!

Bella, take them to the nursery!

I felt with disconnection, a resonating worry that translated onto the love for us that I only now took for granted. He really did love me and the kids, there was no denying that. I surged forward, desperately trying to catch up to my babies. As the sound of court proceedings grew suddenly louder in my ears, panic burst forth inside my mind as the sound of the click from the doors opening chilled me to the bone. As the double doors remained open, the amplified voice from the throne room rushed at me like a tidal wave. I could hear the children rush in helplessly as the guards shouted for them to stop.

"No!" I called to them as I rounded the corner to the entrance of the throne room.

Regretfully, I was too late. Gasps echoed from within the great room and everyone froze at the sight of the twins' arrival.

As I dashed through the door, the two vampires I had seen earlier in the hallway took advantage of the situation and confusion. He flitted over then seized my two little ones. I made a choking sound that soon developed into a scream.

I wasted no time. No! Please Caius, help them!

It was automatic, I sent the message suddenly, loud and clear. It just came bursting forth out of me like a dam breaking. I saw Caius's immediate response as he stood and crouched, hunched, ready to spring. The figures of the many guards moved unsure as they rustled about. The guards looked now at their kings for orders.

"Don't even think about it!" The dark one warned as he tightened his grip around my son's neck.

Everyone stopped, murmurs rose from the excited crowd. Outrage and shock resonated in the crowd.

"We will kill them, make no mistake about it!" The white haired one warned as he shook Charity by her shoulders as he held her in front of him, like a shield.

The bastard, coward!

I watched as those monsters frightened my babies helplessly. Charity's tears flowed down, dripping from closed eyelashes. With every drop my veins ran cold with fear. Little Caius bravely tried to wiggle free, but was not nearly strong enough. I froze to the spot and knew he meant business. I frantically looked up to find Caius. He growled in frustration as Aro placed a hand on his shoulder, signaling him to back down.

Shocked at Caius for shrugging off his hand from his shoulder, Aro backed slowly away from my husband. God, he was not thinking this thing through, I had to stop him.

Caius, please don't! They will kill them if you act! I'm sure of it!

Oh my God, if I could still faint, I would have. It was plain to see, they had the upper hand.

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