Ch 42 Better Days To Come

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Chapter 42: Better Days To Come,

From the moment I stepped into the garage of the castle, Alice's arms flung around me. She held me tight rocking me back and forth.

I'm going to miss you so much," she said with a shuddering sigh filled with gushing emotion.

"Me too, sis,'' I said in merriment as she pulled back with bright tears in her eyes.

After the embrace, I stepped back and was gathered into another with Jasper. He patted me lightly on the back then pulled back and gave me his warm cowboy-like grin.

"Mam'," he nodded.

"Bye." I giggled as the pair walked off to help the others. I watched them with growing emotions as my dear Cullen's prepared for their departure.

Tears began to well up in my eyes too. But these were that of joy not sadness. It was all bitter sweet to say goodbye to a family that meant the world to me. What would I do without them? I know I will see them again, it's just hard to say goodbye after all that we'd been through together. Still their presence will be missed no matter what.

"We got everything," Jacob was saying as he put the last of the luggage in the trunk of their rental car. He and Bree were helping each other and she diligently worked at his side until the last bag was loaded.

The couple stopped a moment to give the babies hugs and goodbyes. Then Jacob sauntered up to me with Bree hanging onto his offered arm after giving the twins over to the waiting arms of Carlisle and Esme. I watched how the twins giggled and played around them. My heart warmed at the sight.

"I'm glad the twins have recovered from the ordeal," I nodded as he took my hand. "Before you know it they will be as rambunctious as before, if not more so and drive you both crazy.''

I laughed wholeheartedly at his amusement. His mood cheered me as I struggled with my own emotions.

"See ya Bells," Jake said as he hugged me with Bree.

"Yeah, Jake," I call as they walked away towards the car, "see you two around.''

They waved back and Jake opened the door for Bree and both of them disappeared within the car. Carlisle and Esme just then finished saying their farewells to Aro and Marcus got up from their chairs and met me at the car. Caius joined me to see them off.

''Whew, Bella,'' Carlise said, running a hand over his forehead. '' What a day! We enjoy your children so much we will miss them and I can't tell you how relieved we are that your babies are safe. It just never ceases to amaze me how resilient they are. You two as well.'' He finished saying as his hand came up and squeezed my shoulder comfortingly.

Then I watched him clasped hands with Caius in friendship. Esme came up to my open arms and smiled brightly as she pulled back from a hug after a moment.

''Take an enormous amount of pictures and send them to us Bella,'' she commanded me lightly with a wink as she and her husband began to walk away together.

''Oh yes, I will do,'' I reassured them as they got into the car.

Caius' hand slipped into mine as they, one by one, disappeared inside the car. I found myself leaning into Caius for some strength. I sighed when he held me as I waved them off.

''Be careful. Call me when you get there.''

I almost laughed at myself for the over-protectiveness I felt as I walked to the room with Caius by my side to sit down. I relax against the back of the couch, feeling the emotions seep from my system.

''It's over Bella, no one will threaten our children ever again.'' Caius said, pulling me into his lap.

'' I can't even begin to say how relieved I am about that. But still, what would the rest of the vampire community say?''

''Ah, oh yes them, he said thoughtfully as he ran his fingers through my hair, '' Aro has sent official word that hybrids are among us. And you probably won't be surprised to hear that it's legal, providing the maker takes care of them. Are you as well pleased as I am?''

''Oh, yes.''

Caius pulled me closer, tenderly peppering my neck with kisses asking in a gentle, quiet voice if I was all right, if I wanted or needed anything.

''Just you,'' I answered quietly, and I turned in his arms and wiggled closer to his body. Soon when I felt his arms come around me and hold me tight I was truly alright and content at this point.

I didn't know how, after all that had happened and I wasn't sure if it mattered. I tucked my face down slightly, closer to Caius' his neck.

My throat closed up, more emotion surfaced and it made me speechless. My home was warm and comforting, the vampire I love was at my side, and our precious children were smiling up at us. Tears came to my eyes, and I knew that this was the perfection that I've been waiting for.

The End. 

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