Chapter 40 A little warning

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Chapter 40, A Little Warning.

I spun from the window after I threw open the curtains. The morning sun shone brightly down on me. The fresh air spilled in from the open shutters as the sweet fragrance of fall air flowed in our space with a hit of spice coming from the town below that I found surprisingly soothing.

Caius looked at me when I faced him from the comfort of our bed. He got up and as he came to me, the sheets slipped away from his gorgeous naked form. As he padded to me, I returned his smile and leaned into a short sweet kiss on my lips. He pulled back and went towards the bathroom. I turned to watch him leave, enjoying the cute butt in its retreat. I decided to tidy up. I had my shower long ago, but Caius seemed to love to play in bed all morning long, sipping on a wine glass full of blood, just lounging enjoying the aftermath of our latest love making.

''I think we ought to take the babies out of the nursery today, you know... give them a little fresh air.'' I offered, calling after him.

'' Okay, where are you taking them?''

His question hung in the air as I thought about it for a moment.

'' I think the gardens would be all right, what do you think?''

He cracked the door open and peeked out at me.

''Splendid!'' He paused and groaned. '' I wish I could join you but I must get to the throne room as soon as I can,'' he chuckled. '' You see, too much time in bed made me a neglectful boy.''

I laughed and pondered. We sure had all night and most of the morning to indulge in each other. Though, we needed our time with each other and what a time it was! He loved me until I was spinning from all of the happiness that I kept inside.

After some time of reflection, I heard Caius finishing up in the bathroom. The day was so wonderful, so perfect. I could hardly believe just mere hours ago we were both in such horrible despair.

I giggled again as I tucked in the corners of that sheets in thinking about Caius.

''You know, you're just like a man, staying in bed after sex.'' I said full of humor.

''I hardly think I'm like an ordinary man, could a man go at it all night, not to mention all morning long?''

I turned and was caught off guard as those deep, blood red eyes loomed before me. His gaze held such playfulness and heated longing I gulped hard. Then he drew me into his arms and Tenderly kissed me. Afterwards, I simply nestled in his strong arms and enjoyed the feeling of being held by him.

It was a long time before he moved or spoke. But all too soon he looked down at me. ''Oh my sweet Bella,'' he said sadly, running a single finger over my cheek. '' It's been too long since we have been this close again.''

His gaze he'll such love for me, and he grinned again tilting my chin up.'' You have bewitched me, my dove, or I would not be so late today I think.''

''I do not want this to end,'' I found myself saying.

'' I know how you feel, but we must do our duty. so oh, I am called to work and you are called to be with the children.''

I smiled at his words and nodded, drawing back away now turning to check my appearance once more. I smooth out my dress, and just when I was satisfied my hair was acceptable, Caius drew me away from the mirror by my hand leading me out.

'' You look lovely.''

I was touched by the warmth of his touching my hand to his lips before going our separate ways. The small gesture was endearing. I leaned into his soft kiss goodbye. I groaned as he pulled me away from me.

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