Chapter 12: The Unfortunate Event

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Chapter 12: The Unfortunate Event.

Bella's POV...

As the morning dawned, I readied myself for the day. I wondered often how Caius was after our date. I knew he was not in my tree. By now, Edward usually took over his shift. I just finished drying off and pulled on my shirt as I peeked out the curtains then opened the window to let the air in. The morning air was chilly, but the rays of sunlight promised to bring some warmth to the day. Large white fluffy clouds drifted slowly up in the bright blue sky and the scent of the forest flowed around me. It smelled so good after the rainstorm. I noticed the rain puddles and barely remembered hearing the rain last night.

Rest came easy to me and I must have slept through it all. My thoughts wandered to Edward and wondered where he was this morning, He was late. I hurried to put the rest of my clothes on then brush my hair and grab my jacket. Dad left me for an early shift this morning and I was alone. I made my way out and down to the trees where I knew they all stationed themselves near. I looked around and then up the tree Caius usually stayed in and there was no one. I gazed around confused and slightly alarmed because I was not to be left alone.

''Good morning Bella, '' a familiar voice spoke behind me and I jumped.

I spun around and focused on the face of the one leaning sideways on a tree. The sunshine in his black hair and shimmered in many colors.

''Jake! ''I felt such joy seeing my good friend and I rushed him and then gave him a big hug

I missed him so much. Jake held me tight then let me go and cross his arms. He looked at me up and down appraising me. I gave him a confused look. ''Jake, what's the matter? ''

He gave me a look of exasperation. ''What do you mean what's the matter? You should know what the problem is. ''

I looked around for Edward, he was supposed to be here by now.

''Don't bother looking for Edward, he's probably somewhere licking his wounds. ''

''What do you mean? ''I asked backing off frowning.

''Your new Leech had a confrontation with him, and he ran off last night. So, Emmitt came and asked me to help with protecting you. I must say, you really surprised me, are you that fickle? ''He finished narrowing his accusing eyes at me.

''What happened? ''I asked him, taking a stance of determination for Jake to spill it.

He chuckled. ''Well, Edward tried to stop Caius from going on a date with you and so, Caius shared with him a bit of information. He's your mate. ''

''You know I have no control over that! ''I say defensively.

''Yeah, well shit, I guess,'' he paused to run his hands through his hair. ''It's just that Bella you smell different even, you smell like that Leach Caius.''

His words cut like a knife inside me. How could he be so cruel to me after all we meant to each other. He sounded so bitter and a lot like Edward. I gave him such a look of hurt that caused him regret.

''I'm sorry Bella. I know of this mating thing because Caius is explained it to me last night when I met him as I took over his watch. ''

Oh hell! Jake and Caius meet, and I missed it. I just had to know what went down.

''So, that's interesting. How did he react to you being a wolf, Jake? ''

''OK, first off, it was so not interesting. I almost attacked the guy, but he was not even paying me any mind. He was too busy staring at your picture that he took with his phone. I was angered at first because the new Leech was in the area. Then to find out he's your mate and a leader of this kind! I'm beyond anger ...more like disappointed. ''Jake looked away from me and his expression was grim.

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