Chapter 24: A Rarity

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Chapter 24: A Rarity.

''My master, please consider our cause. The nomads were caught feeding on our grounds and it is a violation of our territorial rights.'' stated Horatio.

I sigh, yet another dispute over territory. Not exactly my field, so Aro went on to be the diplomat and question the two nomads, Kira, and Kato. They were young couple understandably stupid. The two wandered into the powerful coven's area and killed off a whole family. Kira clung tightly to her mate's arm and buried her blonde headed to his neck. I watched Cato stroke her gently in hopes she will gain some composure. His long black hair fell in the straight curtain as he looked down now and then to coax her to look at us.

''It was merely an oversight, we did not realize we were hunting on your land, ''Cato insisted.

''That's no excuse! ''Horatio shouted.

Felix fitted to Horatio side and glared at him in warning. Aro lifted a hand to silence the two vampires.

''It is clear these two are innocent of wrongdoing. It was a simple mistake, ''said Aro.

Horatio look livid but wisely remains silent on the subject as Aro decided what should be done. Aro eyed the couple with interest and dismiss Horatio in his coven. As they flitted out, Aro clasped his hand in front of him and glided forward and the couple shifted nervously.

''I would like to know if you two would consider becoming my guard. ''

The blonde girl, Kira looked up bewildered. Aro must have seen a gift at least in one of them and I guess it was the timid Kira. Aro gazed into her face with intensity and she looked at her mate for support. Cato nodded for her to answer and she shook with fright.

''Y...You want me? ''She stammered.

''Yes, my dear and your young mate may join us as well. He can be trained in the lower guard; however, you have an interesting talent for disappearing, do you not? '' Arrow rubbed his hands together.

She simply nodded.

A typical reaction at finding a rare gifted vampire with that he wanted. I motioned to Chelsea come forward and she used her gift on the vampires. The couple was easily swayed into joining us as their loyalties grew with every passing minute in our favor. Aro was pleased with their decision to become one of us and he had Felix escort them to their new rooms. Suddenly, Corin burst in the doors and stood in front of me.

''Master come quick; it is Bella! ''

''What happened! ''I roared.

''I ...I am not sure. She ...just fainted. '' Corin added with a high pitch shrieking sound.

Knowing it was something as simple as fainting did not lesson my haste, just my anger Athenodora. A small pang of guilt flowed through me, but I had no time to deal with it. A roar rumbled in my chest as I flitted to the scene, and I hissed as I saw her lying on the garden grounds. My instinct to protect my mate took over and I flew to her side, taking her from Marcus. He shrank back as he saw no doubt my ferocity. Aro stood my side and questioned Marcus.

''What caused her to faint? ''

''I don't know, she was just walking with Sulpicia and Jane. 'Marcus explained.

''Sulpicia, mia amore, what do you make of this? '' Aro gestured to Bella in my arms.

''She and I were just talking by the bed of roses and she just fainted. ''

Aro brow raised question. 'Did she say anything before she lost consciousness."

Athena came forward and nodded. She looked down at me with an unsure shrug. ''She must have complained about the smell of the roses and she just fell out. It seemed to be the major reason for such a reaction.''

I was bewildered. Athena was being surprisingly helpful. My thoughts did not dwell on it too long because I had to get her out of here. I lifted her up and made my way to my chambers to lay her down on our bed.

As I lay her down gently on the bed, I took her shoes off. I sat next to her and gaze at her face for any movement or sign that she was coming to. I tapped her hand lightly to induce her to wake. Nothing yet. I turned to Corin as she walked back and forth ringing her hands.

''Oh my, oh my, ''she twittered. ''I feel just horrible. I want to die. ''

I burst out laughing and everyone turned to me and gave me a look like I had suddenly gone mad. She was just the sight to be seen and absolutely serious. I couldn't stop myself. I had an incredible amount of emotion and the one that came forth at such a time, laughter. Maybe I was losing it. I looked back down, and Bella was blinking up at me. So, thank the gods!

''Bella, I was so worried. ''Having my strong arms around her was exactly what we needed. ''How can you not be angry with me? ''I whispered in her ear.

Bella pull my face back enough to see my eyes. ''How can I be mad at you for something that wasn't your fault. How could you have known I was not well? ''

''I'm sorry anyway, so what did you think happened? ''I ask her as I cradled her in my arms.

''I think I was overwhelmed by the smell. I just couldn't take it and felt dizzy too. ''

''Hang on if it's some kind of ailment I will find it in the medical book. ''Said Marcus as he flitted out and returned really fast with the book. ''OK Bella. Please describe your symptoms. ''

''Em...dizzy and I don't like some smells. I think I will be sick at times. ''

"Mm...umm,'' Marcus replied thoughtfully as he flipped through the vast book of pages. ''any headache or pain in the body? ''

''Uh, well's embarrassing to mention. '' She stated looking up at me, going into slight shade of pink in her cheeks.

''Bella don't worry about it and just tell us. We can handle it. ''I was said coaxing her to go on.

''Em...It started with a tingle and it itched at first but last night ...'''she gulped and trailed off.

My eyes grew big at the words last night. We made love and I gestured to her to whisper it in my ear. As she told me her secret I gasped. Marcus clicked his tongue and gestured me to hurry up.

''Well it seems like Bella's experience tenderness in her nipples.'' I say fast and the room went uncomfortably silent as everyone had their eyes on Marcus.

''I believe Bella may be pregnant. ''

''What! Impossible! ''I say a little too loud.

Bella looked distress and I felt guilty again. The women talked at lightning pace and Aro, Marcus and I remained quiet and thoughtful. Aro suddenly sat on the bed cocked his head to the side. Then he put up his hand and I commanded the women to be silent. He leaned over and I suppressed a sudden growl at him for getting too close to Bella. But I did not interfere because I knew he only wanted to help.

After a moment he darted a surprise glance in my direction. ''Listen brothers, I hear strange heartbeat. ''

I strained my hearing, and my eyes went wide in astonishment. There, beating as fast as a little bird's heartbeat was another heartbeat other than Bella's. Faint as it was, I still detected it coming from her dummy area.

''My God it's true! ''I exclaimed.

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