Chapter 21" Love Interrupted

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Chapter 21: Love Interrupted.

''My dear sweet Isabella, you are looking so well. ''Aro said and gave Bella a warm hug.

''My sweet sister, I'm pleased to see you again, ''Marcus's hollow voice boomed in his usual baritone, and he gathered her into a gentle hug.

I knew I was losing my patience. The desire to possess and protect my mate was now overwhelming and overcoming my reason. I could hardly contain my jealousy. Aro's eyes glinted at me and he seemed to be enjoying himself. I couldn't stand to have them touch her; we were newly mated, and my instincts were high and sensitive. Bella. Mine. My mate.

I hated them at this moment as they both hugged her. Damnit Marcus, you should know better. I know in the back of my mind they mean no harm, but Bella belong to me and I did not want any males touching her. She giggled and talk lively with them as I looked on. Damn it all! She actually liked them. They seem to have a fondness for her. I wonder what sort of bond they all shared. I have no doubt, this bond would be wonderful in the end, but right now I hated it. She was charmed by their manners and speech. She laughed his Aro led her up to my throne and seated her saying it was her rightful place. I stood there as my jaw clenched in irritation. The bastards. They were enjoying and teasing the hell out of me. I sincerely hope one day Aro finds his true mate, payback would be a bitch!

''Caius, come up here on the platform with your dear Isabella, we shall introduce her properly, yes? '' Aro asked gesturing that I should join them.

''By all means, let's get it over with. I want to take Bella to our room. ''I mumble as I joined her side.

Aro chuckled at my expense and added. ''Patience brother will be plenty of time for that. ''Bella blushed to his words.

A growl rumbled from my throat and Aro shifted awkwardly then spun on his heel. ''Guards assemble in the throne room! ''He called after a few rapid claps.

My eyes followed all the guards lining up silently giving us their full attention. They stood now before us waiting expectantly. Soon, they turned towards my mate and I watched their eyes wander over her form and they sniff the air. I came out from behind the throne and crouched in defense for Bella. They move back a few spaces and bowed their heads and regret.

''This is Isabella Swan. She is Caius's true mate. You will respect her rank and treat her as your Queen. No one of the male gender must touch her. Be aware of your manners and position. She must be protected with your lives, like a Royal. Cooperation is appreciated. Thank you all, you may now return to your duties. ''Aro said finally as he waved them away.

Aro turn to face us and I rolled my eyes exasperated. ''Are we done now? ''

''Oh yes quite. You may want to pay Athenodora at little visit. She needs ...''Aro trail off as he saw my face display outrage.

How dare he be so high handed an order me about. I wanted to kill but with one touch of Bella's hand I found myself calming suddenly.

''I will deal with her presently, do not trouble yourself about my affairs Aro. ''I say harshly.

''Yes, well...I will see you two later then. '' He swallowed thickly then sat on his throne.

I led Bella to our room, there she could finally settle in.


Bella's POV ...

Caius's room lacked all feminine influence. Designed with masculine tastes and only had what was necessary for his accommodations. Stark and cold. The style suggested it was still in the dark ages. Brick walls only aligned with a few paintings from the ancient days of castles and depictions of war. The torches were spaced out for in regular intervals and their flames reflected on the smooth gray flagstone floors. Only the Persian rug by the fireplace promised any comfort and the bed fixed in the center of the room on a three-tier platform a real place to rest. The remaining furniture was made of hard sturdy Oak and not at all comfortable looking. Just over the fireplace was a painting of the Volturi crest, it was old and served to me a reminder of the ancient covens long... long history.

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