Chapter 17: A time to Heal

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Chapter 17: A time to Heal

Caius's POV...

I watched as Carlisle busied about after cleaning up the small gash on Bella's head. He flitted over to the drawer and pulled out a suture kit. As he prepared her for stitches, he questioned me.

"Edward did this you say," he said softly, voice full of regret.

"Yes, I'm afraid so. His jealousy and hunger for his singer drove him mad. I'm only glad I got to her before he violated her.

Carlisle nodded as he begun work on her wound. I found myself hissing in empathy for her suffering. It killed me on the inside that my mate was injured. I hated Edward with every fiber of my being. Death was too good for the likes of him. I had plans to prolong his life as long as I saw fit. He will rue the day of his birth and suffer for this outrage. Carlisle finished up by taping a bandage on the injured site.

"Did you kill him?" Carlisle asked as he crossed the small distance from the bed to the medical bag on the dresser.

I shook my head. "I decided not to. He will remain my prisoner for as long as it pleases me. I sent Demetri and Alec to take him to Volterra castle. They will not be returning for battle, there is no time."

"Your decision is just, and I am so sorry this happened to you and Bella." He said sympathizing as he put away his medical tools.

"Thank you for your understanding. What matters now is her and her wellbeing. She is my whole reason for existing. I don't know what I would do if..." I choked on my words as the emotions filled my aching heart and I couldn't finish.

He walked over to me scrutinizing my face. "Caius you look more pale than usual and there are dark circles forming under your eyes. Maybe is time you hunted."

I crossed my arms then looked at my mate just laying there on the bed hurt with a bruised head. "I will hunt...when she wakes. I will not leave her. "I say with determination.

"Of course, Caius, I will go and tell the family of Edward's crime and fate." With that he left the room.

I walked over to Bella and knelt, then reach for hand and drew it to my lips. I kissed her fingertips fervently. As the third and most feared of the Kings, I learned three millenniums ago that I had to be ruthless and I knew I was valued only for my hunger for violence. I was also the ungifted one, and I had to prove myself. So naturally, I kept my walls up and feelings in check, until I had to let out my fury on someone. But not this time, nothing could stop my rush of emotions I had in my heart for her. The venom tears burned and stayed welled up in my eyes. I was alone and made no attempt to hold back my sadness. She was unconscious and I feared for her no other. She is everything to me.

I leaned down for kiss. She moaned in her sleep as she felt my lips on hers. That made me desire to be close to her, so I rose from my position and settled in beside her on the bed. I laid my head on the pillows with hers and held her hand on my chest. I winced a little because of the wounds were slow to heal. I need to feed to heal all the way. But I ignored the pain my only thought was for my mate. I would be here for her, I failed her before, and I was not going to do it again. I will be the first person she sees when she opens her eyes.


I spent most of the night pacing back and forth from the window to the bed. Esme came in every now and then to check on how Bella was doing. She straightens her blankets, and I helped her change Bella's position, so she was not on her back too long.

''Caius, if you won't leave to hunt, at least sit, and calm yourself. You're making the hole in the floor by walking yourself ragged in your state of anxiety. '' Esme said in her motherly tone.

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